大学英语课话剧急求英语话剧 8,9个人的 5,6分钟的 星期四上课要表演 要台词 最好有音乐

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 06:34:18
大学英语课话剧急求英语话剧 8,9个人的 5,6分钟的 星期四上课要表演 要台词 最好有音乐
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大学英语课话剧急求英语话剧 8,9个人的 5,6分钟的 星期四上课要表演 要台词 最好有音乐
急求英语话剧 8,9个人的 5,6分钟的 星期四上课要表演 要台词 最好有音乐

大学英语课话剧急求英语话剧 8,9个人的 5,6分钟的 星期四上课要表演 要台词 最好有音乐
Today’s Yang bailao and Huang Shiren
Character::杨白劳Y, 喜儿X,王大春(喜儿男朋友)D,王大婶(王大春的母亲)W, 穆仁智(黄的管家)M,黄世仁H
Part 1:In 杨白劳’home
旁白:(“喜洋洋”背景音乐起)---New Year's Eve,Xi’er is talking with her boyfriend on the phone, suddenly ,doorbell sounded.(叮咚!叮咚……)
喜: Oh! ok! Someone is knock at the door! So I have to hung up!Bye!(开门)
杨: 喜儿! 喜儿! What’s this?
喜: Oh! computer!(高兴地看笔记本)That’s a Laptop!
杨: Ha ha! Today I’m able to buy a computer! Next year, I will plan to buy a car!
喜: Really? Buys a car?Great!
杨: Ok, now we will go out ,are you ready ?
喜: Ha ha,I’m ready ok and waiting for you to come back!(门铃再次响起)Oh,I think there must be Aunt Wang and Dacun coming.(开门,)
王婶, 大春, 杨, 喜(四人齐声贺道)Happy New Year!hah(喜儿和大春去一边嘻嘻哈哈,窃窃私语不知所言)
王婶:(走到杨白劳跟前)Mr Yang,I heard Dachun said, going to jump the disco dancing after dinner.Right?
杨:Right,What do you think?
王婶:I’m gald to,oh,are you prepared to go out?
杨: Sure!.
王婶: Ok,go?(问杨白劳)
杨: Let’s go,(朝喜儿他俩那边喊)Xi’er,Dachun,go!
(四人出门 下)
Part 2: In Huang Shiren’ home
黄: (黄世仁上台,气势汹汹地说)Hello,everyone!Do you know Huang Shiren?Tt’s me! Ha ha……But today is not yestady!You see Mu Renzhi coming!
穆:(穆仁智走上来)Mr Huang , give me a litte,ok?
黄: Not! I wouldn’t give you,because I haven’t money!(不耐烦的样子)
穆: New Year coming,My wages, a year--?(哀求着)
黄: Really does not have!
穆:(拉着黄的手说)You are so kind in my eyes,can you give me litte money,ok?
黄: No way,what’s moreYang Bailao has not return the money to me, what can I do for you?(无奈的样子)
穆: You might ask for him!
黄:Asking him?I think he couldn’t give me!
穆:Why? He has contracted the farm, and made many money!
黄:I know! But,he——
黄: (想了想)Ok! You go together with me!
穆: Let’s go! (两人出门 下)
Part 3: In enlightens the hall
旁白: Yang Bailao, Xi’er, Dachun and Aunt Wang finished eating dinner and tojump the disco dancing.(迪斯科音乐起,四人在舞台上狂欢着)
杨:This is Yang Bailao, please speaking! ... oh... oh!--
王婶:(王大婶看见,向杨走过来)Who’s that?
杨:Huang Shiren, he said he coming here immediately.
喜:(停止跳舞,朝这边问)Huang Shiren? Is all right?(杨白老点头示对)
大春: Nothing! We would take them away if they appeared!
杨, 喜, D, W: Ha ha (四人继续跳舞)
黄: Oh! Everyone,Happy New Year!
杨:(杨朝黄走了过去)The same to you!(音乐停,其他人也走了过来)
黄: (和杨握手)Recently alright?
杨: Fina, but if you ask the money that’s wrong!(自己先坐下,示意让黄世仁坐,这时大春用脚把凳子往后一勾了下,黄坐到地上了,尴尬的看看大家)
大春:Oh, I resemble see to have the dirty thing, but not,sits down!
黄: (朝杨白老问)Who is this?(穆仁智扶黄起来)
杨:He is Wang Dachun,Xi’er’s boyfriend.
黄:(打量大春说)Are you Xi’er’s boyfriend?
大春:Yes! (喊道)Is not my that is you?
杨:What’s the mater?
黄:I’m sorry, but, today is the last of the year!en—Debt is---
杨:(打断黄的话) Does not have!
黄: I know you are good man, give a litte,ok?(乞求的样子)
杨: No matter what you said to,nothing!
黄(抱住杨白老的腿哀求到)Mr Yang ,a litte,just a litte……
杨: No money,only a life have!
黄: just a litte……
杨:(很无情地说) No money,only a life have!
黄: (无助地向四处环顾)En----
大春: (不耐烦地说)You have not heard? Does not have!
黄:(朝喜儿望去)Miss, you help us!help us !ok?(哀求着)
王婶:(和喜儿站一块的王大婶说)What you want to do?
大春:Boils!Go out!(语气非常强烈)
( 杨白劳推开黄,喜儿,王大春,王大婶赶黄世仁和穆仁智走)
穆:(拉着杨白老的手求到)Do not expel me go, I want to leave,from now, I do for you ,I cound drive---
杨: (排了排穆仁智)Ha ha, nice!ok! (穆仁智和所有的人都赶黄世仁出门)
黄:(冲穆仁智喊道)Mu Renzhi! Mu Renzhi!Do you know you is my housekeep?
穆:No!Go out!(全部下)