英语翻译节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马新作节奏蓝调 ),又称节奏怨曲.是一种首先非裔美国人艺术家所演奏,并融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐的音乐

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/24 00:09:40
英语翻译节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马新作节奏蓝调 ),又称节奏怨曲.是一种首先非裔美国人艺术家所演奏,并融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐的音乐
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英语翻译节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马新作节奏蓝调 ),又称节奏怨曲.是一种首先非裔美国人艺术家所演奏,并融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐的音乐
节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马新作节奏蓝调 ),又称节奏怨曲.是一种首先非裔美国人艺术家所演奏,并融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐的音乐形式 节奏布鲁斯(R&B)在20世纪40年代中期出现的时候,它甚至还没有名字.但这个词才一出现,它就迅速广泛地传播开去.时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌(Urban)的音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及.早期的摇滚乐就是以R&B为基础的,它是由受流行音乐影响的“乡村和西部音乐”延展而来.R&B不仅仅是在布鲁斯和摇滚乐之间的一种重要的过渡音乐,它还是布鲁斯和灵魂乐之间最重要的音乐分支.\x0b布鲁斯无疑是R&B的一个重要组成部分,但爵士乐元素也同等重要.最早的R&B艺术家就是来自“大乐队”(Big-Band)和 “摇摆爵士”(Swing-Jazz)领域.在“二战”前,爵士乐远比今日风行,那时它是一种为跳舞而演奏的音乐,但是在乐队中通常会有歌手.“二战”期间,许多重要的爵士乐艺术家开始发展“上乘爵士”(Be Bop)和“酷爵士”(Cool Jazz),这种跳舞元素更少的爵士乐.然而受战时的经济、军事等因素的影响和约束,“大乐队”开始逐渐减少.但听众们,尤其是那些在大城市中迅速增加的非裔美国社区的听众,他们仍然希望听到可以跳舞的音乐.于是音乐家们为了适应听众,就做出音量更大、使用更多的电声乐器,并且以“回复”(Riff)为主的“布吉音乐”(Boogie).
最初开始流行的R&B风格通常是指“跳跃布鲁斯”(Jump Blues).它不仅吸收了爵士乐里的摇摆节奏和以号为主的编配方式,而且吸收了布鲁斯里普遍使用的回复段与和声结构这种风格最重要的先驱也许要算卡布 ·卡洛维(Cab Calloway).在“跳跃布鲁斯”中,歌手的声音更加刺耳,节奏更快,乐器的演奏也不一样——钢琴的弹奏力度更大,萨克司的声音更加长而尖锐.\x0b最重要和最具流行性的“跳跃布鲁斯”明星是路易斯·乔丹(Louis Jordan),他的唱片在黑人听众和白人听众里取得了同样的成功.
“跳跃布鲁斯”后来转变为几种不同的风格.那些被称作“大嗓门们”(Shouters)的演唱者在“大乐队”拘谨的演唱方式里加入了更具活力的“福音音乐”(Gospel music)和“灵魂乐”(Soul).“).“胖子”乔·特纳(Big Joe Turner)是在堪萨斯的一支爵士乐队开始他的艺术家生涯的.他是R&B和“爵士乐”的双重传奇人物,他不但轻松地由“爵士乐”转向 R&B,甚至还创作了一些早期的经典摇滚乐歌曲 .
哈里森的《堪萨斯城》(Kansas City)就是一首广为流传的“跳跃布鲁斯”歌曲.\x0b
一些50年代的歌手开始使R&B比以前更加大众化——加入明显的“福音音乐”和教堂音乐元素.时至今日,我们依然可以记起那些伟大的名字:雷·查尔斯(Ray Charles)、詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)、杰克·威尔森(Jackie Wilson)、小威利·约翰(Little Willie John)、强尼·艾斯(Johnny Ace)、杰西·贝尔文(Jessie Belvin),以及克莱德·麦克菲特(Clyde McPhatter).作为“灵魂乐”的教父们,这些人中有的后来在60年代成为了“灵魂乐”的超级巨星,比如查尔斯和布朗
对于R&B来说,如今被赋予的纪念性意义和迟到的喝彩声并不能改变当初它所面临的窘境——早期的R&B唱片很难被全部的新听众所接受.而 40年代和50年代的R&B歌手及唱片公司更多的是将注意力放在娱乐性方面,并不是致力于推广多元化的艺术作品.因此在R&B的全盛时期,人们听到的歌曲都是由相似的和声、进行模式以及编曲构成.不过,尽管R&B从诞生之初至今已经改变了许多,但它依然保留了摇滚乐、灵魂乐和说唱乐中极其重要的部分,并且在音乐的背后发挥着作用.

英语翻译节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马新作节奏蓝调 ),又称节奏怨曲.是一种首先非裔美国人艺术家所演奏,并融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐的音乐
Rhythm and blues (in English:Rhythm and Blues,referred to as:R & B or RnB,Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macao,Malaysia new for R & B),also known as rhythm blues.Is the first African-American performance artist,and fusion of jazz,gospel music and blues music,rhythm and blues musical form (R & B) in the 20th century,when the mid-40s,it was not even name.However,before the word appeared,it quickly spread widely to.Today,R & B has become a synonym for black popular music,although it more as a kind of different from rap (Rap),soul (Soul),Urban Song (Urban) is a special type of music listeners and mentioned in the records industry.Early rock and roll is to R & B based,it is affected by pop music,"country and western music" extension from.R & B than blues and rock in an important transition between the music,it was blues and soul music between the most important branch.Blues R & B is undoubtedly an important part,but the jazz elements are equally important.The first is the R & B artists from the "Big Band" (Big-Band) and "swing jazz" (Swing-Jazz) in the field.In "World War II" before the popularity of jazz than today,then it is a play for the dance and music,but usually there will be singers in the band."World War" period,many important jazz artists began to develop "superior Jazz" (Be Bop) and the "cool jazz" (Cool Jazz),that fewer elements of jazz dance.But by the wartime economy,military and other factors and constraints,"big band" began to decrease.But the audience,especially those in large cities in the rapidly growing audience of African-American community,they still want to hear to dance music.So musicians in order to meet the audience,it made the volume more,use more acoustic instruments,and to "restore" (Riff)-based "Phuket's" (Boogie).
  Beginning the popular R & B style usually refers to "jump blues" (Jump Blues).It is not only absorbed the rhythms and jazz in the swing to the allocation of numbers based approach,and absorbed Bulusili back section of commonly used and most important harmonic structure of the pioneers of this style may be considered 卡布卡洛维 ( Cab Calloway).In the "jump blues",the singer's voice is more strident,and the pace faster and playing musical instruments are not the same - playing piano for more intensive,more long-Saks and sharp voice.Most important and epidemic of "jump blues" star was Louis Jordan (Louis Jordan),his record in black and white listeners in the audience to achieve the same success.
  "Jump Blues" which was translated into several different styles.Those who have been called "the big voice who" (Shouters) concerts in the "big band" concert restrained added a more dynamic way of a "Gospel Music" (Gospel music) and "soul" (Soul).")." Fat "Joe Turner (Big Joe Turner) is a Kansas artist began his jazz career.He is a R & B and" jazz "dual legend,he not only easily from the" Jazz " turning R & B,and even created some of the early classic rock songs.
  Harrison's "Kansas City" (Kansas City) is a widely-known "jump blues" song.
  Some 50's R & B singer began to be more popular than ever before - adding the obvious "Gospel Music" and church music elements.Today,we can still remember those great names:Ray Charles (Ray Charles),James Brown (James Brown),Jackie Wilson (Jackie Wilson),a small Weiliyuehan (Little Willie John) strong nyays (Johnny Ace),Jessie Bell Man (Jessie Belvin),and Clyde Fitow (Clyde McPhatter).As a "soul" of the Fathers,some of these people later in the 60's became the "soul music" superstars such as Charles and Brown
  For R & B is now being given to commemorate the significance and cheers late does not change the original dilemma it faces - the early R & B album full of new listeners difficult to accept.The 40's and 50's R & B singer and record company is to focus on more aspects of entertainment,not a commitment to promote a wide range of works of art.Therefore,in the heyday of R & B,songs heard by a similar sound,and arranged to form patterns.However,despite the birth of R & B from the beginning has been changed a lot,but it still retains the rock,soul and rap music in the most important part,and play a role behind the music.

英语翻译节奏布鲁斯(英语:Rhythm and Blues,简称:R&B或RnB,台湾、港澳、马新作节奏蓝调 ),又称节奏怨曲.是一种首先非裔美国人艺术家所演奏,并融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐的音乐 Rhythm 英语翻译R&B的全名是 Rhythm & Blues,一般译作“节奏怨曲”或“节奏布鲁斯”.广义上,R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的 Blues音乐,是现今西行流行乐和摇滚乐的基础,Billboard杂志曾介定 tempo和rhythm解释都是节奏有什么区别 英语好的朋友帮忙看看对吗!我是节奏的奴隶!I am a slave of the rhythm!这句中文用英语表达的意思对吗? 在英语中rhythm,groove,beat tempo,flow等似乎都有节奏的意思,但是他们的具体区别是什么呢? Dota中所谓的节奏是翻译为什么?tempo还是rhythm还是别的什么? 英语翻译歌曲<rhythm of the rain>的中文翻译? 节奏用英语怎么说同上音乐节奏~ 英语句子帮忙看看有没有错,下面四句英语麻烦帮忙看看写的有没有错,1、由繁忙的工作和快节奏的生活所带来的压力在城市中要比农村高得多.The pressure caused by busy work and quick rhythm of life is mu Rhythm of Pretty~Rhythm Pretty Rhythm RHYTHM怎么样 英语翻译If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain 英语翻译to the rhythm of robot assembly arms做什么成分? 英语翻译Rhythm Of The Rain...Thank you-Dido ..Always Getting Over You 英语翻译可以将快节奏换换 你认为上海这个城市就怎样写 不过要英语 一句就可以