
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:11:44
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Be responsible for a stage reception and accept a silver work,can be well-trained usage FIDELIO system.
Can include to the stage information of the section notification in time:Guest room rent of surplus and deficiency circumstance,do not reserve a honored guest of arrive a store circumstance,guest forward pedestal reflection of hurl tell a circumstance,with other section can not moderate of circumstance,hall occurrence of importance affairs;Can moderate good class set relation,main together the following class set of relation:In the guest room service of,the finance settle an account,the sale reserve,front hall baggage,the dining reserve,stage switchboard,stage business center,big hall manager.
Can control building Tai and guest room circumstance,aggressive passionately promote guest room,understanding that very day schedule to to prepare to leave guest and meeting,party notice,confirm its method of payment,with assurance go into with settle an account accurate without any error;Can be fast accurately to carry out to go into for the guest,postpone building and change building and check out an etc.procedure,open building active speak pure building price toward the guest,and need to work well a guest verification procedure with open building register;Can be accurate to expertly accept some guest's cash,check,print a guest each item charge bill,in time,accurately for the guest settle an account combine according to guest of reasonable request give an itemized list of invoice.

Front Desk is responsible for reception and cashier work, be able to skillfully use FIDELIO system.
A timely manner to be able to inform the Front Desk department information, including: room occ...


Front Desk is responsible for reception and cashier work, be able to skillfully use FIDELIO system.
A timely manner to be able to inform the Front Desk department information, including: room occupancy of the remaining places, the non-booking guests to shop, the guests to move reflected Units complaints, the department failed to coordinate with other circumstances, an important event happened Hall; be able to better co-ordination the relationship between teams and groups, mainly referring to the relationship between the team with the following: room service, financial settlement, sales and reservations, baggage antechamber, dining reservations, switchboard Front Desk, Business Center Front Desk, Lobby Manager.
Be able to grasp the situation room and room state actively to promote a warm room, know the same day from the visitors book in advance and meetings, banquets notice, confirm its payment in order to ensure the accuracy of the check-in and checkout; be able to quickly and accurately check for the guests, Extension Housing,换房and check-out procedures, the room when the house took the initiative to tell the guests, and guests need to do to verify the registration procedures and to open room; skilled to be able to accurately point the guests received cash, check, print the guests of the land bills, timely and accurate bill for the guests and in accordance with the reasonable demands of the guests invoiced.


英语翻译负责前台接待和收银工作,能够熟练运用FIDELIO系统.能够及时向部门通报前台信息,包括:客房出租的余缺情况,未预订贵宾的到店情况,客人向前台反映的投诉情况,与其它部门未能协调 有谁能够给我提供酒店前台接待和收银的常用英语 求前台接待和收银的常用英语 用英文介绍酒店前台接待的工作内容和职责如题, 有没有酒店审计 日审 夜审 酒店收银 酒店财务 酒店前台接待的群 目前我建了一个关于酒店工作的QQ群 有兴趣的加 124364600 英语翻译因为我主修会计,有着对数字的敏感,又因为我有2年兼职接待和收银的实践工作经验,所以我很有信心我可以胜任这份工作. 前台经理的英文我是旅行社的,主要负责前台接待的工作,现在做名片,但不知道这个职务怎么翻译,请大虾们指导,Lobby department manager这种翻译可以吗? 前台接待简单英语口语我是前台接待,第一次这样的工作,而且英语不好.请大家帮帮我学几句前台接待英语口语 感激! 英语翻译站长室,部品库,结修区,旧件室,发动机大修室,严禁烟火,收银接待,接待处 前台接待英文怎么说 帮我想一下这个COLD CALL怎么打?我现在在一家外资猎头公司实习.最近开始负责COLD CALL的工作.主要是想办法找各种理由借口套出公司前台接待的姓名.只要一个姓和英文名即可.想过签收邮件包 英语翻译2008/02 -- 2008/07:| 前台1.接转交换机电话.2.负责传真收发与登记.3.负责前台接待、登记.4.引见、招待、接送来宾.5.负责锁门,管理电梯,检查灯光、门窗.6.收发报刊函件及整理 外企前台接待常用英语有哪些?外企前台接待常用英语有哪些?包括电话和客人来访, 英语翻译十年眼科显微镜、医疗仪器光学研发经验,熟悉产品开发流程,能够独立负责完成项目开发.具有很强的光学设计能力和丰富经验,熟练使用光学设计软件Zemax、Code V、LightTools和Tracepro设 酒店前厅接待和前台(总台)接待有什么区别 英语翻译1.按照理赔规程及流程要求,负责接报案;2.负责客户业务、理赔等相关咨询;3.负责相关协调工作.从事客服这一行业,我学会了如何面对客户,如何快速的反应问题和处理问题.1.前台接 请问一下汽车行业的前台接待的工作流程?需要具备哪些素质?明天要去面试一个汽车行业的前台接待,心里没底,以前没做过前台接待. 翻译两句话:工作职责:负责接待来宾,接听或转接外部电话;负责公司各部门之间的沟通和协调;