哪位大哥可以教我一篇英语作文!不会的不要乱回答!谢拉!题目是How to get on well with parents!60到70的,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:45:53
哪位大哥可以教我一篇英语作文!不会的不要乱回答!谢拉!题目是How to get on well with parents!60到70的,
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哪位大哥可以教我一篇英语作文!不会的不要乱回答!谢拉!题目是How to get on well with parents!60到70的,
哪位大哥可以教我一篇英语作文!不会的不要乱回答!谢拉!题目是How to get on well with parents!

哪位大哥可以教我一篇英语作文!不会的不要乱回答!谢拉!题目是How to get on well with parents!60到70的,
First,we should know that our parents did many things for us ,so we should speak to them politely.Second,don't let them worry about us.Try to talk to them as much as possible so that they will be very happy.Next,if there are some problems between you,keep cool,don't say some words that may hurt them.How can we make the person who love us most sad?In a word,we should respect our parents!

How to get on well with parents
If you want to be happy with your parents, you should think of living with them peacefully. Sometimes, there are many troubles between p...


How to get on well with parents
If you want to be happy with your parents, you should think of living with them peacefully. Sometimes, there are many troubles between parents and children just because they don't know how to live peacefully. Basically, children should not argue with parents when parents say any words whatever right or wrong. Try to look at their eyes and pay attention. That is polite to them. You will find the advantages of it.


哪位大哥可以教我一篇英语作文!不会的不要乱回答!谢拉!题目是How to get on well with parents!60到70的, 急需一篇来日照上学的英语作文,100-400字,哪位大哥大姐可以帮我啊是大学,日照职业技术学院 哪位可以帮我写一篇关于因特网的利与弊(英语作文 ) 哪位高手可以给我一篇关于宽容的作文 春节400到500字明天就要读书了,我要写一篇关于春节的作文,400字到500字.哪位大哥大姐快帮我啊,不要回答自己写最好之类的话,我自己会写的话就不会找你们帮了! 哪位会的英语大哥 其实,我也想_______.(作文)那位大哥大姐帮帮忙啦!(其实,我也想_________)为题写一篇作文,不要太好的,一般般的作文就可以,要符合实际一点的,字数600. 各位大哥大姐,麻烦帮我写一篇作文,写一篇学会关心的作文,600字左右,不要太好也不要太差. 有哪位天才可以写一篇 我的老师 作文,那我就太谢谢了! 我初一了,是南京人,老师让我写一篇关于青奥会的作文,该怎么写比较好,哪位大哥大姐能帮帮我 写一篇关于《关爱生命》的作文500字,哪位好心的大哥大姐帮帮忙, 急求一篇英语作文 以“我的房间”为题!大哥大姐们帮我找找啊!我是女生 帮忙找一篇描写女生房间的作文 用第一人称!不需要很长 而且水平不需要很高 中等就可以! 哪位好心人可以提供一篇作文给我,800字的,生存的智慧 就大哥给一篇My hometown的家乡英语作文 谁能写一篇关于翅膀的作文,不要隐形的翅膀,600字,我不会抄袭的. “良师”为题哪位高手可以以上面的题目为题写一篇作文我后谢 哪位大哥大姐给小弟提供一篇英语小对话,要三个人的, 来个一篇100词的英语作文,叫我最喜欢的老师,哪位大神帮个忙啊