matlab 非线性规划问题,我的变量有40个,Warning:Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem,switching to medium-scale (line search).> In fmincon at 274In youh1 at 3Function 'lt' is not defined for values

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:37:52
matlab 非线性规划问题,我的变量有40个,Warning:Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem,switching to medium-scale (line search).> In fmincon at 274In youh1 at 3Function 'lt' is not defined for values
x]OPƿʹ$x%SI%a\tk59Y4!86K%cDai+xeҋ<'.fҘحN̢/Zld>,[ffY!N (GԠ))UC܈$AKPTPL5M) k$TJ%Di餀h %!7MiD M4zOF1ITFZ:`!MS ړ@y:0x HJP/; }{pwшrZl;Q©*iNV2 ǝ~NB="`((%:V"aDLy;UG[m$gd 0PĽ/O.uEdұf<2Z.|FS26sW܉+6l,YSK`mArsdd.Nw̩Y

matlab 非线性规划问题,我的变量有40个,Warning:Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem,switching to medium-scale (line search).> In fmincon at 274In youh1 at 3Function 'lt' is not defined for values
matlab 非线性规划问题,我的变量有40个,
Warning:Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem,
switching to medium-scale (line search).
> In fmincon at 274
In youh1 at 3
Function 'lt' is not defined for values of class 'sym'.
Error in ==> C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\toolbox\shared\optimlib\nlconst.p>nlconst at 744
Error in ==> fmincon at 512
Error in ==> youh1 at 3

matlab 非线性规划问题,我的变量有40个,Warning:Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem,switching to medium-scale (line search).> In fmincon at 274In youh1 at 3Function 'lt' is not defined for values

matlab 非线性规划问题 matlab 非线性规划问题,我的变量有40个,很急编程后,出现的错误是:Warning: Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem, switching to medium-scale (line search).> In fmincon at 274 In youh1 at matlab 非线性规划问题,我的变量有40个,Warning:Large-scale (trust region) method does not currently solve this type of problem,switching to medium-scale (line search).> In fmincon at 274In youh1 at 3Function 'lt' is not defined for values lingo在求解非线性规划时,离散型变量的约束问题lingo在求解非线性规划时,变量的约束如果不是连续的(大于、小于的现在),而是离散的几个数据,这样的约束怎么写啊?我说的,不是关于变量整 matlab一道有约束的非线性规划问题max gs.t.(a-sqrt(a^2-4*g^2*x^2))/(2*b*g*x) MATLAB基础问题麻烦高手帮个忙,请问解有约束非线性规划问题,用MATLAB中的哪个函数?再麻烦各位把函数的调用格式也写清楚吧, 如何利用MATLAB解非线性规划 如何用matlab求解非线性规划问题 最好给几个例子 有约束的非线性规划怎么求解 运筹学 请教高手MATLAB约束非线性规划/一M文件的调试M文件如下,怎么调试呀,老有错误,% 两级斜齿轮传动中心距优化设计% 1---减速器中心距优化设计主程序% 设计变量的初始值x0=[2;4;18;20;6.4;10];% 设计变 matlab解非线性方程问题 什么是混合整数非线性规划问题 MATLAB二元非线性拟合我有一组数据,其中包含三个变量X,Y,Z,现在需要求出Z与X、Y的非线性关系,这应该拟合成什么样的方程啊,指数方程,还是一般的多次方程,抑或是别的什么方程?MATLAB程序怎么 非线性规划问题,比如斐波那契法,梯度法这些,是不是要用matlab实现,lingo可以么 matlab编程计算下列非线性最小二乘问题5.10,完全没编程思路求大神给代码,最好有思路.我用的是matlab2014a 求教一个用matlab求解二元非线性方程组的问题具体私信我,我会把问题发到油箱 Matlab 非线性规划问题我matlab一点不懂,帮我编程一下哈,最好是可以直接复制进软件直接运行的, w51,w52,w53,w54是四个权重,四个权重和为1运行得好 可以提高分数噢按照教程编了这个程序,但是不 用lingo非线性规划时的约束条件我用lingo弄非线性规划,其中有一个约束条件是一些未知数的方差要小于0.05,请问要怎么写?我写的是var(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)