英语翻译这两个答案都正确.____ ____ are right.在街道两旁有树.there are trees on ____ ____}____ ____}____ ____} of the street.(三个答案)你不必那样做.(翻译两个句子)_______________________________________.______

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 06:29:58
英语翻译这两个答案都正确.____ ____ are right.在街道两旁有树.there are trees on ____ ____}____ ____}____ ____} of the street.(三个答案)你不必那样做.(翻译两个句子)_______________________________________.______
x){ѽ~~3XdǪk<[yﳵ/\ `"(U(3=D/N8gs:-W TRURZ\ԤP R_~OǓp'd';zo}ٴقOgA qON*'A("}CpX[@%X o%8`$|b4v6#>99d($R33SR$" #BX/2T!%?OD!# | DhJI祦% @q-[

英语翻译这两个答案都正确.____ ____ are right.在街道两旁有树.there are trees on ____ ____}____ ____}____ ____} of the street.(三个答案)你不必那样做.(翻译两个句子)_______________________________________.______
____ ____ are right.
there are trees on ____ ____}
____ ____}
____ ____} of the street.(三个答案)

英语翻译这两个答案都正确.____ ____ are right.在街道两旁有树.there are trees on ____ ____}____ ____}____ ____} of the street.(三个答案)你不必那样做.(翻译两个句子)_______________________________________.______
1.Both answers
2.each side
both sides
either side
3.You don't have to do that.
You needn't do that.

英语翻译这两个答案都正确.____ ____ are right.在街道两旁有树.there are trees on ____ ____}____ ____}____ ____} of the street.(三个答案)你不必那样做.(翻译两个句子)_______________________________________.______ 英语翻译She __ __ __ __.(She后面共4个空)(要正确的答案哦 - -|||) 虎 __ __ ____ 虎 __ ____ __ 虎 ____ __ __ 虎横竖都要通顺的哦! What __ they __ (do) from 3 to 4 this afternoon?will;dodid;do这两个答案是都可以吗? She dances __ her sister.A as graceful as B more graceful than 这两个答案是都可以吧? 在下面横线中填上恰当的字,使每一行上形成带两个“马”字的成语__ __ __ 马马__ __ ____ __ 马__ __ 马__ __ __ 马__ __ __ __ 马__ 马__ __ __ __ __ __ 马马__ __ __ __ __ __ 马__ 马__ __ __ __ 马__ __ __ 马__ __ 马_ 英语翻译__ __ ,he knows ____ about it. 英语翻译许多原创歌曲都很优美.__ __ __ are __ __.他们已经举办了好几场大型音乐会.they __ __ quite a few __ __.这场音乐盒曾在深圳轰动一时.the concert __ __ __ __ __ in Shenzhen.你最喜欢什么乐队?what's __ 成语世界(在下面空格中填入恰当的字,使每一行上行形成两个带“马”字的成语)__ __ __ 马马__ __ ____ __ 马__ __ 马__ __ __ 马__ __ __ __ 马__ 马__ __ __ __ __ __ 马马__ __ __ __ __ __ 马__ 马__ __ __ __ 马_ 英语翻译答案一定要正确! What's your mother?__ __ your mother __?中国画在世界上很有名.(英语翻译)____ Bill said they would have______ holiday.A.a two-month B.two months'这两个答案是否都正确 仿照例子填空,再写出两个同一类型的词语1、例:缓 弯__ ____ ____2、例:东西 前__后__ ____ ____3、例:议论____ ____ 4、例:承启 弃__图__ ____ ____ 英语翻译这句话应该咋翻译呢?哇这几个答案我都不知道哪个比较正确 英语翻译“去TM的世界” 应该是fuck the wold 还是 fucking wold 还是这两个都不对,正确语法是什么? 英语翻译how was __ ___ ___ ____ ___五个空 她英语学的不好.She ____ __ ___English.英语翻译 带有风字的成语,填空、如题..(急!)风 __ __ __ __ 风 __ ____ __ 风 ____ __ __ 风注意:要求是横竖都能组成关于风字的成语...