50cent 歌曲wanksta中文翻译 100分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:39:22
50cent 歌曲wanksta中文翻译 100分
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50cent 歌曲wanksta中文翻译 100分
50cent 歌曲wanksta中文翻译 100分

50cent 歌曲wanksta中文翻译 100分
朋友 货比三家
It's 50 a.k.a Ferrari F-50 这是50~a.k.a F-50靓车~
Break it down 固定搭配,指用自己的方式对待别人的态度
I got a lot of living to do before I die 在死之前我有很多事情要做
And I ain't got time to waste 我不能再浪费时间了
Let's make it 让我们实现它
You said you were a gangsta but you never pop nothin' 你说你是个gangsta,但你从来没跟任何东西敌对过
We said you were a Wanksta and you need to stop frontin' 我们说你是个小混混(自以为是gangsta的人,其实胆小怕事没做过什么坏事),你别再虚伪了
You ain't a friend of mine,你不是我的朋友
You ain't no kin of mine,你不是我这一型
What makes you think that I'ma run up on you with the nine 我让你感觉我和我的crew要来扁你了
We do this all the time,right now we on the grind 我们每时每刻都在做这个(what gangstas always do),现在我们正在做
So hurry up and copy go selling nicks and dimes 哈赶快学我们贩毒还有拉皮条~
Shorty she's so fine,I gotta make her mine (shorty=hot pussy或者情妇)她可真不错,我得引起她的注意
A ass like that gotta be one of a kind 那样的屁股是一型的
I crush 'em everytime,punch 'em with every line 我冲击他们的心灵,用每句押韵打击他们(punch line,当battle的时候一方念出很经典的一句词以后,引起全场欢呼骚动,punch line指的就是那句词)
I'm fucking with they mind 我干他们的思想
I make them press rewind 我让他们叫不敢
They know they can't shine if I'm around the rhyme 他们知道当我押韵的时候他们不敢嚣张
Been on parole since 94 cuz I commit the crime 自从94年因为犯罪被关然后假释出来
I send you my line,I did it three to nine 我给你我的demo,给了你N次
If d's ran up in my crib,you know who droppin dimes 如果警察来查我房,你知道是谁出卖了我
(chorus times 2)
You said you were a gangsta
But you neva pop nothin'
We said you were a wanksta
And you need to stop frontin'
You go to the dealership 你有生意做
But you never cop nothin' 但是你什么都没得到
You been hustlin' a long time 你做了那么久买卖
And you ain't got nothin' 可是你什么都没得到
Damn homie,in highschool you was the man,homie 干,在中学的时候你蛮强的嘛
What the fuck happened you?你他妈发生什么事了
I got the sickest vendetta,when it come to the chedda 当我势头正旺的时候我遇到了最恶心的仇杀
Nigga you play with my paper,you gonna meet my berretta nigga你想拿走我的钱,看来你要跟我的枪亲密接触了
Now shorty think I'ma sweat her,sippin on amoretta (shorty)认为我喜欢她.多喝点.
I'm livin once then deada,I know I can do betta' 人生只有一次,我知道我能做得更好
She look good but I know she after my chedda 她看起来不错但我知道她是为了我的钱
She tryin' to get in my pockets,homie and I ain't gonna let her 她试图骗我钱但我不会让她得逞
Be easy,stop the bullshit,you get your whole crew wet 简单的说,别再放屁了,你让你的团队陷入危险了
We're in the club doing the same old two step 我们在club里做着同样的事情
Gorilla unit cuz they say we bugged out G-INIT,他们说我们撤退了
Cuz we don't go nowhere without toast we thugged out 我们哪都不去除非我们(toast=a.k.a heat利用暴力手段)取得成就(thug,TUPAC赋予这个词生命.指本一无所有,经过努力排除万难最后取得成功)
(chorus times 2)
Me I'm no mobsta',me I'm no gangsta' 我不是声名狼藉的恶棍,我不是流氓
Me I'm no hitman,me I'm just me,me 我不是杀手(为钱杀人的人),我就是我
Me I'm no wanksta',me I'm no acta' 我不是小混混
But it's me you see on your TV 但你在你的电视机上看到的就是我
Cuz I hustle baby,this rap shit is so easy 因为我在寻找,宝贝,这个rap shit如此简单
I'm gettin' what you get for a brick to talk greasy 我正得到(钱)你在毒品上得到的东西,这样我说话就很叼啦
By any means,partner,I got to eat on these streets 怎么说呢,伙伴,我必须在这些街区生存
If you play me close,for sure I'm gonna pop my heat 如果你想干我,我当然会全力跟你战斗!
Niggas sayin' they gonna murda 50,how?niggas说他们要谋杀50,他们打算怎么做?
We ridin 'round with guns the size of Lil Bow Wow 我们拿着lil bow wow那么大的枪招摇过市
What you know about AK's and AR 15's?你对AK还有AR-15枪了解多少(AK我就不说了,AR-15是M-16的民间合法版,半自动,火力超猛的枪)
Equipped with night vision,shell catchers and infra beams,huh 装备夜视系统,子弹壳自动弹出装置还有激光瞄准器
(chorus times 2)
Damn homie