求英语议论性作文 最好可以5篇~80字就ok了~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:35:41
求英语议论性作文 最好可以5篇~80字就ok了~
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求英语议论性作文 最好可以5篇~80字就ok了~
求英语议论性作文 最好可以5篇~80字就ok了~

求英语议论性作文 最好可以5篇~80字就ok了~
On Opportunity
Once someone said:"Opportunity is something that you'll never see if you are not ready,but something that comes in handy if you are prepared.".True enough.It also reveals to some extent the attitude with which people face opportunity:some as ready as ever,some as ignorant as ever.
There are people who have made a success out of a single opportunity because they are always prepared and are ready to take on any opportunity that fate throws at their faces.Bill Gates is one such example.When facing a godsend oppportunity to revolutionise the computer industry,he did not hesistate and quit Harvard to set up his own business,an action considered crazy by most people at that time.But who would realise that when they were criticising his stupidity,Bill Gates had quietly paved the way to success?
On the other hand,there are some people who are,as the saying goes,"sleeping when fortune knocks on the door".Such people surely cannot expect to make a fortune overnight.When there is a new opportunity,the brave seize it and develop a future out of it,while the timid stand and stare.The latter end up with a life filled with routine and few expectations.
For me,I personally believe that there is no risk that is too great to take,but there is also the mindset that you need to have in order to brace new opportunities.People admire Bill Gates because they know that they themselves would not dare to take the same course of action if they were presented with such an unsure opportunity.This just shows the most general attitude towards opportunity--it's a good thing,but may not be worth the risk to take.I agree.I like hearing stories about how people rocket to stardom or success by seizing upon chance but deep inside I know that I would never master the courage to do the same.However,I am different from some people in the sense that while I don't dare to take the opportunity,I do not blame myself for not trying after someone else has made a fortune out of it.I know myself and I respect my decision.
After all,the brave are only few among us.We,as ordinary people,are happy to live with what we have.
1、具体到一般: 表现形式为先举例具体的事例进行分析、说明,进而得出论证或结论,在段末往往以主题句的形式表现出来.
二、 常用句型
1、 开头
It's well known to us that...
Recently,... has been brought to popular attention/has become the focus of public concern.
One of the universal issues we are faced with / that cause increasing concern is that...
People's view/opinions /ideas on ... vary from person to person.Some people think that ... they hold this opinion because... However,others hold that...
A is to B what C is to D
According to ..., but there is no evidence whatsoever to show...
The example cited,while suggestive of these trends,is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to belivev that the data drawn form... is representative of...
As it stands, this argument suffers from three critical flaws.
In my opinion,it is more advisable to do ... than to do
Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably come to the conclusion that...
It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of...
We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with
It is high time that we put an end to... Otherwise,...
Some people believe (argue, recognize, think)that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论据2. Most important of all, 论据3. In summary, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或:From above, we can predict that 预测.
People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.
For one thing, 论据1.
For another, 论据2.
Last but not the least, 论据3.
To conclude, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.
或 From above, we can predict that 预测.
There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点).Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious.
First of all, 论据1.
Furthermore, 论据2.
Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 论据3.
A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点.
As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测.

On Opportunity
Once someone said:"Opportunity is something that you'll never see if you are not ready,but something that comes in handy if you are prepared.".True enough.It also reveals to some ex...


On Opportunity
Once someone said:"Opportunity is something that you'll never see if you are not ready,but something that comes in handy if you are prepared.".True enough.It also reveals to some extent the attitude with which people face opportunity:some as ready as ever,some as ignorant as ever.
There are people who have made a success out of a single opportunity because they are always prepared and are ready to take on any opportunity that fate throws at their faces.Bill Gates is one such example.When facing a godsend oppportunity to revolutionise the computer industry,he did not hesistate and quit Harvard to set up his own business,an action considered crazy by most people at that time.But who would realise that when they were criticising his stupidity,Bill Gates had quietly paved the way to success?
On the other hand,there are some people who are,as the saying goes,"sleeping when fortune knocks on the door".Such people surely cannot expect to make a fortune overnight.When there is a new opportunity,the brave seize it and develop a future out of it,while the timid stand and stare.The latter end up with a life filled with routine and few expectations.
For me,I personally believe that there is no risk that is too great to take,but there is also the mindset that you need to have in order to brace new opportunities.People admire Bill Gates because they know that they themselves would not dare to take the same course of action if they were presented with such an unsure opportunity.This just shows the most general attitude towards opportunity--it's a good thing,but may not be worth the risk to take.I agree.I like hearing stories about how people rocket to stardom or success by seizing upon chance but deep inside I know that I would never master the courage to do the same.However,I am different from some people in the sense that while I don't dare to take the opportunity,I do not blame myself for not trying after someone else has made a fortune out of it.I know myself and I respect my decision.
After all,the brave are only few among us.We,as ordinary people,are happy to live with what we have.


求英语议论性作文 最好可以5篇~80字就ok了~ 两篇英语作文 60~100字尽量就写身边的故事.关于时事的议论也可以.60~100字.语法要正确~谢. 求一篇关于电脑的英语作文,80字就可以了,写利于弊什么的,最好把中文带上, 求议论,抒情作文求议论作文5篇 抒情作文5篇 字数大概在5.6百字左右 谢谢 作文 和 最好是记叙文 议论也可以! 议论类英语作文 议论句摘抄就只是议论句 80字的 求作文“阳光就在我身边”800字.文章主体为记叙文,可以加点议论.语言平实淳朴即可!童鞋,你还会写“光阴的故事”吗? 求初中600字作文(议论) 求一篇议论性的作文.六百字左右就行了 谁能给几篇关于爱情的作文.议论文体最好.600字以上就行.能给3,4篇为佳. 求30字英语作文让人看出是自己写的.小学水平就可以(虽然我初中- -)要5篇,什么题目都可以了,最好是小日记 求一篇《寻找彩虹的日子》的作文,800字 最好是记叙或者议论文.最好是议论或者记叙文 求以“为了母亲的微笑”为话题的议论作文,体裁也可以以为了母亲的微笑为话题的议论性作文!或者体裁… 求 4篇议论类 3篇说明类 3篇记叙类 英语作文 以“努力使自己美丽”为题 写一篇600字的作文最好别举例 议论或抒情就行 以“幸福”为话题,写一篇800字的高中作文 ,最好是议论性散文 求关于luck英语文章,400字左右如题,关于luck的,文体叙事性或议论性都行,最好是议论性的!400字左右英文