
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:56:04
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Hi everybody!
My name is XXX. I think you guys know me already. I come here today(中间顿下) for the competition of the Secondary leader of English Association. Actually, i spent more times on other things(顿下) which made me absent times before, but(小停顿) this isn't what i really want to be happened. I got lots of favors; readings, piano(不确定你弹什么琴,自己修改下) and not bad results for the studys. Maybe people think that the experience is not enough for me, but i dont think so. Although i failed the competition last time, this is not means that my skills are poor. To be opposite, if you can give me a chance this time, i gonna work hard more then before. Even(顿下), if i droped again this time, there is nothing more excuses for me, but indicated that i have done less. Never lose the confidance of forward (不失去前进的信心) and i also would like to be realised by all of you! Never give up
Thank you, Thank you guys

If you can't write this in English
you'd better give up
I think you are not qualified to the position

Hello,everyone,I'm ...,perhaps you have already known about me. Today i'm here to run for the Vice Administrator of the English Commitee. It is true that I've been absent for a few times,however, hone...


Hello,everyone,I'm ...,perhaps you have already known about me. Today i'm here to run for the Vice Administrator of the English Commitee. It is true that I've been absent for a few times,however, honestly speaking, that's not what i wished for and it is because i have other emergency to deal with.i have many hobbies such as reading,playing the piano ,to name just a few. although i didnt do well in my study and for which you might think that i maybe lack of certain experiences,but i dont feel it that way.i think i did fail in last election,but that doesnt necessarily mean that i'm not qualified, instead, i think if i'm given another chance,i would spare no effert to do everything well.
as one can not lose one's gumpution, so even if i failed again this time,i wouldnt make any complaints,after all i have not done enough to be perfect.still i hope you can trust me!


Hello,everyone! ~ My name is XXX. You may all know me before. Today, I come here to campaign for the post of vice chairman of the English Association. Although I also had several absences, this is not...


Hello,everyone! ~ My name is XXX. You may all know me before. Today, I come here to campaign for the post of vice chairman of the English Association. Although I also had several absences, this is not my wish, because I often forget due to some important things. My habits are widely, reading books and playing the piano. Moreover my score is general good. Even though you may feel that I'm lack of experience, I can not agree with that. I think although I lost the last election campaign, , it does not mean that I do not have any strengthen. Therefore, if you give me a chance, I will try my best. If I lose this, I would not regret it. After all, I tried already. So I hope that you will believe me!
累死了...自己翻译 的 部分是意译的


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