7.30的雅思task2,discuss both views and give your opinion,写成一边倒了,水平中上扣分到什么程度Government should ban dangerous sprots while others think people should be free to choose whateve sporting activities they want,discuss bo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 09:26:23
7.30的雅思task2,discuss both views and give your opinion,写成一边倒了,水平中上扣分到什么程度Government should ban dangerous sprots while others think people should be free to choose whateve sporting activities they want,discuss bo
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7.30的雅思task2,discuss both views and give your opinion,写成一边倒了,水平中上扣分到什么程度Government should ban dangerous sprots while others think people should be free to choose whateve sporting activities they want,discuss bo
7.30的雅思task2,discuss both views and give your opinion,写成一边倒了,水平中上扣分到什么程度
Government should ban dangerous sprots while others think people should be free to choose whateve sporting activities they want,discuss both views and give your opinion

7.30的雅思task2,discuss both views and give your opinion,写成一边倒了,水平中上扣分到什么程度Government should ban dangerous sprots while others think people should be free to choose whateve sporting activities they want,discuss bo
通常会被判为do not address both views,那样的话分数就不高了,不过也说不准,我考的时候,比你稍好点,第二个观点只提了100字不到,几乎通篇在写第一个观点,但是最后7.5,攒人品吧


7.30的雅思task2,discuss both views and give your opinion,写成一边倒了,水平中上扣分到什么程度Government should ban dangerous sprots while others think people should be free to choose whateve sporting activities they want,discuss bo 求雅思task2的写作模板啊!急用! 雅思写作的task1和task2有什么区别? 如果雅思作文TASK2 题目是Discuss both views ,但没让你 give your own opinion,那最后一段要不要加上自没分了,但希望有好心人帮帮忙,谢谢补充题目:最后一段要不要加上自己的看法 雅思大作文a类和g类的区别我想问的是作文Task2.议论文.都是怎么回事? 雅思作文中能不能引用名人事例A类 TASK2 雅思写作discuss怎么写 雅思写作task2 议论文!雅思大作文:Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and advoiding change.Others,however,think that change is always a good thing.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.这个题目 【雅思写作】task1有没有真题或者预测题?之前看到的都是task2的题目,图形题的task1应该去哪里找呢? 我雅思写作的时候在第1面写完TASK1后没发现答题纸可以打开,然后把TASK2写在第4面上了,会有影响吗?我雅思写作的时候在第1面写完TASK1后没发现答题纸可以打开,然后把TASK2写在第4面上了,不过 有关雅思作文评分的疑问雅思作文最后的总分是怎么算出来的?是task1和task2的简单加和或是平均,还是按一定比例计算加权平均分? 雅思作文的discuss类型和agree or disagree在篇章布局有什么区别 雅思写作discuss 结尾句如何写 雅思task2作文求评价有什么不足?给个分数? 雅思task2作文求评价求指出有什么问题,给个评分 托福口语task1用过的句子task2能用吗? 雅思task2 看看有没有语法错误或是那里写的不好的 估计一下能得几分 In modern societies,it is increasing popular that lots of foundations or organizations encourage people to join their activities,this behavior aroused people 雅思作文写错位置会扣分吗?脑子转不过来,后悔极了.task1写在1、4页了,task2写在2、3页了.有这样考出来作文不扣分的吗?复议可以吗?