
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:04:28
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"Anime" is the company of anime and manga and abbreviations
Japan is making anime the most good-looking countries. Also is the most famous.
TV版:就是在电视上放的动画版本 OVA:Original Video Anime(原创影象动画),一般能够作为OVA的作品一定是在首次推出时是未曾在电视或戏院上映过的,如果在电视或戏院上映过的作品再推出的录影带(或LD/VCD)等等就不能称作OVA了. 日本动漫
TV version: is put on TV animation version OVA: reprographic systems (Original images Video Anime, generally can be used as animation) OVA work must be in was first introduced is not on TV or theaters screens, if on TV or theaters screens works again launched Video (or LD/VCD) etc cannot called OVA. The Japanese anime
剧场版:是在影院公映的动画作品,是日本动画按传播方式分类的一种,在中国又被称为电影版.通常片长为90分钟,制作成本一般高于OVA及TV动画.不论在人物动作的流畅感,还是使用的分色数,甚至每秒的帧数上,都比电视版动画和原创动画录影带有明显的提升.因此画面精度是三者中最高的. “剧场”是日语中电影的意思,BBS相关版面上常常搞混OVA跟剧场版动画的差别.中文译名中亦有人翻译成电影动画
Theatre version: is in theaters animation works, is the Japanese animation according to classification of a kind of dissemination way, in China has been called the film version. Usually grows for 90 minutes, the cost of making generally higher than the OVA and TV animation. Whether in character movement fluent feeling, or the use of color number, even the number of frames per second, than TV animation and video original animation version has obvious ascension. Therefore picture of the highest accuracy is three. "Theatre" is in Japanese movie mean, BBS forum have often confuse related OVA with theatre edition animation difference. Chinese translation of somebody also translated into animation movie
动漫发烧友之间常常用缩写代表自己熟悉的作品,缩写通常是能理解的,但也有些对于新人来说不是很熟悉,在此略举一二,以后逐渐补充. FF:大家最熟悉的大概就是FF(FINAL FANTASY)系列了,FF系列本来是SQUARE公司的一个著名游戏,因为非常受欢迎所以有很多周边,比如游戏动画,OVA,电影等.但是 最近使用FF的缩写则需要辨别一下了,因为《黑客帝国》系列也出品了一部动画短片名叫FINAL FLIGHT OF THE OSIRIS(欧西里司最后的飞翔),缩写同样是FF.该片导演和《FINAL FANTASY》的电影版是同一个人(安迪*琼斯),怪不得连名字都一样了. M0=MACROSS ZERO(ZERO是零的意思,所以用“0”表示) ROD系列:目前出品的有两个作品,一个是READ OR DIE(OVA),中文名为“死亡的思考”;另一个是正在制作放映中的READ OR DREAM(TV),目前国内还没有D版.它们的缩写均为ROD
Cartoon enthusiasts often use abbreviations between represent their own familiar work, abbreviation is usually can understand, but also some for newcomer is not very familiar, in this slightly raises the qsys.lib file gradually later added. FF: everybody's most familiar is probably FF FANTASY) series (immigration, FF series originally is a famous company SQUARE game, because it is very popular so many peripheral, such as play animations and OVA and movie. But recently used to distinguish THE abbreviation OF FF requires it, because "THE matrix" series also produced a short animated film named FLIGHT OF THE immigration department (OSIRIS ossiriand in FINAL fly), THE abbreviation is also FF. Film director and the film version of the FANTASY of immigration is the same person (Andy * Jones), no wonder that even the same names. M0 = MACROSS ZERO (ZERO is ZERO mean, so use "0" said ROD series: at present) product of two works, one is for OR DIE all (OVA), Chinese called "death thinking", Another is making the screening for OR DREAM (TV), the current domestic haven't D version. They are the abbreviation of ROD