
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 09:42:46
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Today,I went to school by bike.As the time was late,I rode my bike quickly.Suddenly,a car rushed to me at the corner.I braked too late to avoid a crash.A young man got off the car and helped me stand on my feet.In the meantime,a policeman came to me and gave me a lesson about this accident.

This morning I rode my bicycle to school. I rode fast because it is late. Suddenly there was a car drove up in the corner, I had no time to brake, and hit with the car. An uncle got out and pick me up, a policeman came and gave me a good education.

This morning,i went to school by bike, because i was late for school,I rode very fast. On the corner,a small car was coming ,because i can't stop ,so i knocked on it .Then a uncle came off the car, held me up,.At the same time, the police came and gave me a lesson.

I ride a bike to school this morning,i ride so fast because that i would be late for school.at the corner of the road ,a car came suddenly but i can not stop at once ,as a result,i crashed the car,an uncle came down from the car and helped me up ,then a police came to me and give me a lesson.

This morning I rode my bike to schoo. I rode very fast because I'm running late.At a corner a car is suddenly coming. I did not have time to stop so we hit together. An uncle got off from the car and raised me. A policeman came and teached me.

I went to school by my bike this morning, In order not to be late,I tried my best to run.Suddenly,a car came at the cornor of the street.I cann't help stopping and hit the car.A uncle came out of the car and pick me up.A policeman came to give me a critical lesson .

I rode my bicycle to go to school this morning and wanted to be late, so I rode very quickly.There is suddenly a small autocar driving around the corner, I too late put on brakes and crash into with small autocar.An uncle gets down from the car and starts to hand me, a police came over to have me liked to educate some kind of.

英语翻译我今天早上骑着我的自行车去上学,因为要迟到了,所以我骑得很快.在转角处突然有一辆小汽车驶来,我来不及刹车,跟小汽车撞上了.一位叔叔从车上下来,扶起我,一位警察过来把我好 我骑自行车去上学.英语翻译: 我的名字叫谢少虎,今年13岁了.我每天都在7:00骑着自行车去上学,我的父母步行去车站,乘坐17路公共汽车帮我用英语翻译一下.不可用翻译器 英语翻译我享受骑着自行车走遍杭州各地的感觉. 我喜欢骑着我的自行车上学英语该怎莫说最好能把自行车改为变速自行车来翻译. 今天早上我骑自行车上学用了二十分钟 ,用英语怎么说 我的变速自行车骑着沉怎么办? 我骑着我的自行车去呼吸新鲜空气的英语句子 今天早上迟到没去上学,给我找个请假的借口!头痛肚子痛前星期用过了! 今天早上,我吃了一个馒头一碗粥就上学去了. 是病句吗 今天早上去上学.我的同桌说我走桃花运了.我没理他 下课一群人围着我说我走桃花运了! 5、今天下雨了,所以我没骑自行车而是坐公交车去上学的.用英语怎么说? 一个实际生活中的物理问题!上学路上,我同学骑着电动车,我骑着自行车.请问是我同学骑着电动车后边载着我所受地面的摩擦力大;还是他骑电动车,我骑着自行车,我拉着他的胳膊让他带着我 英语翻译我的一天今天早上我早早的起了床,然后去吃早饭.吃完后,我和我的朋友去上学.中午11点半,我开始吃午饭.下午回家我写完作业去玩游戏.玩完后我看电视,看到9点.之后我去睡觉了.我的 我不骑自行车上学的原因之一是.英语翻译 英语翻译我今天早上起床的时候、一直流鼻涕、我想我应该是感冒了.我想去看医生、但我等会儿还要上课、所以我吃了两粒药就去上学了.回到课室、我感到头好晕、一个早上都没精神.中午 今天早上我起床觉得我的头好痛 英语翻译 元素周期律的实质是什么,我今天没去上学