英语翻译3 软件部分的设计本设计是制作一个具有语音报时的时钟系统,它利用凌阳A61单片机的2Hz时基信号计时进行年历计算,用凌阳A61单片机的语音功能将当前时间报出来,并在LCD上显示.整个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 06:59:58
英语翻译3 软件部分的设计本设计是制作一个具有语音报时的时钟系统,它利用凌阳A61单片机的2Hz时基信号计时进行年历计算,用凌阳A61单片机的语音功能将当前时间报出来,并在LCD上显示.整个
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英语翻译3 软件部分的设计本设计是制作一个具有语音报时的时钟系统,它利用凌阳A61单片机的2Hz时基信号计时进行年历计算,用凌阳A61单片机的语音功能将当前时间报出来,并在LCD上显示.整个
3 软件部分的设计
3.1 主程序流程及其算法
3.2 万年历计算子程序设计
3.3 键盘扫描子程序的设定
3.4 校时子程序的设计
3.5 语音播报部分的设计
3.6 LCD液晶显示部分的设计

英语翻译3 软件部分的设计本设计是制作一个具有语音报时的时钟系统,它利用凌阳A61单片机的2Hz时基信号计时进行年历计算,用凌阳A61单片机的语音功能将当前时间报出来,并在LCD上显示.整个
3 software design
This design is to produce a voice-time clock system,which uses Sunplus 2Hz SCM A61 signal time-base for calendar time,the A61 MCU with Sunplus voice out at the current time and the LCD显示.The whole process is divided into the main program,calendar calculation subroutine,school routines,keyboard scan subroutine,subroutines voice playback,LCD liquid crystal display parts subroutine.
3.1 The main program processes and algorithms
Voice of the main clock in accordance with the modular design,all functions can be completed by calling the subroutine,main program relatively simple,see the process.Sunplus has the A61 single-chip low-power sleep mode,power consumption in sleep mode current can be reduced to 2μA,which use battery-powered system is very important,sleep mode wake-up call can be interrupted through the keys.
3.2 Design of calendar calculation subroutine
Calculation of the calendar,we have to do is to use 2Hz interrupt timing source clock.As the cycle is the reciprocal of frequency,each time half a second interruption.When interrupted every two seconds plus 1,and the calendar calculation.In calculating the calendar,it is flat on a leap year and calculated the number of days is 30 days or 31 days of the issue.Leap year terms are:to be divisible by 400,or can be divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100
3.3 Subroutine keyboard scan settings
In the course of the keyboard scan buttons eliminate the need to solve the problem of shaking.Due to the flexibility of the role of mechanical contact,usually in the press and release button when there is a transient process of jitter.This jitter transient process after about 5 10ms of time,people are not aware that the naked eye,but the CPU for high-speed response is likely to produce the error handling.In order to ensure a key action,only a treatment,must take measures to eliminate jitter.I use the software in the design approach to the elimination of jitter.Software elimination of delay jitter is to avoid jitter transient process,that is,to detect a key closure delay after the implementation of procedures,resulting in a delay time,so that after the detection of the disappearance of leading-edge jitter of the state of a key,if the state remained closed ,then press the button to confirm genuine.When the release button is detected,it should give a delay time until after the disappearance of edge jitter into the key process
Subprogram 3.4 design school
Extension of the four keys,KEY1 button for time,because of the time,including year,month,day and hour,minute,second,according to a key KEY1,then at year,month,day,and then the time a key KEY2,sub - .When holding down the enter key KEY3 time correction,and voice broadcast is XXXX the current year by year increase in key KEY1,KEY2 by reducing the year button; KEY2 button to switch by months,days,hours,minutes,adjusting the end points,press KEY3 button to confirm,voice reported year,month,day,hour,minute.
3.5 Voice broadcast part of the design
SACM-A2000 Time to play with.(See appendix)
3.6 LCD liquid crystal display part of the design
Liquid crystal display subroutine call,it is necessary to set each line shows the initial position.Character LCD module is LCD12864 two lines show that the first line shows year,month,day,start address is 0x0080.The second line shows hours,minutes,seconds,the start address is 0x00c0.(See appendix)



英语翻译3 软件部分的设计本设计是制作一个具有语音报时的时钟系统,它利用凌阳A61单片机的2Hz时基信号计时进行年历计算,用凌阳A61单片机的语音功能将当前时间报出来,并在LCD上显示.整个 设计书封面我自己做了一本书,想弄个封面,求一个制作封面的好用的软件,或者是一些素材,题目《学步》 用哪种窗帘设计软件是最好的? 用哪种窗帘设计软件是最好的? 窗幔之类的制作都能用的窗帘设计软件制作出来吗? 英语翻译智能饮水机控制系统设计摘要:本论文主要介绍了利用AT89C52制作一简易饮水机智能控制系统的软硬件设计过程,由温度传感器DS18B20检测温度,并用液晶显示器LCD1602显示实时水温.只有 英语翻译 “这些新牌子的运动服是运用高科技制作,为了寻求更好的设计” 如何打印名片在线设计制作软件中的名片 那些窗帘设计软件什么地方是可以买到的? 几何画板制作课件是我们数学软件课的作业,要复杂一点,设计工具,迭代之类的最好, 求给个数学算法设计的软件我要的是那种数学必修3上制作程序那种输入input,和一些赋值语句以及print,end最后可以做一个算法出来那种 设计制作一辆玩具小车.写出设计制作的材料,并说明小车是靠什么力向前运动的1.制作需要什么材料?2.小车靠什么力向前运动?3.你能提出一个新问题吗? 英语翻译本论文设计的模拟面板是针对数控系统控制面板的一个硬件模拟.通过硬件模拟面板与上位机软件模拟面板之间的通信,使得数控机床原本单纯的软件模拟变成硬件和软件有机结合的 英语翻译特别设计的 我需要一个物理设计软件,就是比如电路,房子飞机,各种初期成品设计的3D模型.可以在电脑上实验,和设计的软件. 窗帘设计软件哪里能买到好用的? 设计风力发电机的叶片用软件bladecalc, 求玻璃设计比较完善的软件?