
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 01:41:02
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在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来.照常理,发现敌机俯冲时,要毫不犹豫地卧倒.可上尉并没有立刻卧倒,他发现离他四五米远处有一个小战士还站在哪儿.他顾不上多想,一个鱼跃飞身将小战士紧紧地压在了身下.此时一声巨响,飞溅起来的泥土纷纷落在他们的身上.上尉拍拍 身上的尘土,回头一看,顿时惊呆了:刚才自己所处的那个位置被炸成了一个大坑.

In a fierce battle,the captain suddenly found an enemy dive down to the position.As usual justifications and found that enemy dive,we should not hesitate to lie down.Captain can not lie down immediately,he found him 45 meters away from a small stand where the soldiers also.He can not attend to think about,flying a small fighter flying tightly under pressure in the body.Explosion at this time,flying up one after another on their soil too.Captain patted onto the dust,looked back and suddenly shocked:Just now,the location of their position that the bombing has become a big pit.

在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来。照常理,发现敌机俯冲时,要毫不犹豫地卧倒。可上尉并没有立刻卧倒,他发现离他四五米远处有一个小战士还站在哪儿。他顾不上多想,一个鱼跃飞身将小战士紧紧地压在了身下。此时一声巨响,飞溅起来的泥土纷纷落在他们的身上。上尉拍拍 身上的尘土,回头一看,顿时惊呆了:刚才自己所处的那个位置被炸成了一个大坑。 In a fight, suddenly fou...


在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来。照常理,发现敌机俯冲时,要毫不犹豫地卧倒。可上尉并没有立刻卧倒,他发现离他四五米远处有一个小战士还站在哪儿。他顾不上多想,一个鱼跃飞身将小战士紧紧地压在了身下。此时一声巨响,飞溅起来的泥土纷纷落在他们的身上。上尉拍拍 身上的尘土,回头一看,顿时惊呆了:刚才自己所处的那个位置被炸成了一个大坑。 In a fight, suddenly found a captain to dive down the enemy positions. As usual, when enemy swooped down without hesitation. But the captain and not immediately, he found his pneumatic from five meters have a small fighter still standing in the middle of nowhere. He forgot to, a diving flying in a small fighter firmly under pressure. Now a loud noise, splash of soil in succession fall. The captain to pat the dust, looked back, and suddenly startled: just their place that position was Fried became a hole.


译为“In a fierce battle, the captain suddenly found an enemy dive down to the position. As usual justifications and found that enemy dive, we should not hesitate to lie down. Captain can not lie down im...


译为“In a fierce battle, the captain suddenly found an enemy dive down to the position. As usual justifications and found that enemy dive, we should not hesitate to lie down. Captain can not lie down immediately, he found him 45 meters away from a small stand where the soldiers also. He can not attend to think about, flying a small fighter flying tightly under pressure in the body. Explosion at this time, flying up one after another on their soil too. Captain patted onto the dust, looked back and suddenly shocked: Just now, the location of their position that the bombing has become a big pit.”


In one fierce battle, Captain discovers one enemy plane suddenly diving down to position. As usual, manage , discover an enemy plane when diving, be going to drop to the ground without the least hesit...


In one fierce battle, Captain discovers one enemy plane suddenly diving down to position. As usual, manage , discover an enemy plane when diving, be going to drop to the ground without the least hesitation. But, Captain does not drop to the ground immediately, where is the place for he being discovered be away from his about 4 rice distance has a young soldier to stand. He is unable to take care of thinking of much, a Yu Yue the body presses young soldier lower swiftly tightly having been in the body. On one sound bang now , the earth splashing being got numerously and confusedly be member of them. Captain pats on one's body dust , glance over the shoulder, be stupefied immediately: A moment ago that location got along by self is blown up having become a big pits.


英语翻译在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来.照常理,发现敌机俯冲时,要毫不犹豫地卧倒.可上尉并没有立刻卧倒,他发现离他四五米远处有一个小战士还站在哪儿.他顾 读了这个小故事,你有何感想,又受到什么启发呢?在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来.照常理,发现敌机俯冲时要毫不犹豫地卧倒.可上尉并没有立刻卧倒,他发现离他四 给作文结尾加上一段议论性或优美的文字@@@急一篇作文有一个这个例子在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来.照常理,发现敌机俯冲时要毫不犹豫地卧倒.可上尉并没有立 两则小故事阅读答案(一) 两则小故事 25分 有这样两个小故事,我一直想与大家一块儿分享. 第一个故事:在一场激烈的战斗中,上尉忽然发现一架敌机向阵地俯冲下来.照常理,发现敌机俯冲时要 公元前几年~秦赵进行了一场激烈的战斗? 中写战斗的激烈和胜利的句子是? 《木兰诗》中写战争旷日持久,战斗激烈的句子 英语翻译常胜将军的秘笈:不要需要什么著名军事理论家.而是需要几个经验丰富的少校,上校,中尉,上尉等.因为每一场胜利的战役都会有一些恶战,险战和攻坚战,需要有丰富战斗经验的中下级 表现战斗激烈的词语 描写战斗场面的段落要电影中战斗的激烈场面,越多越好. 修改病句 一场激烈的足球赛,在热烈的欢呼中 辛弃疾在《破阵子为陈同辅赋壮词以寄之》中描写紧张激烈战斗场面的句子是: 抗日时期的 飞夺卢沟桥是什么和什么为举行什么而进行的一场激烈战斗 形容战斗非常激烈的成语? 形容战斗激烈的成语快意点、 形容战斗连续不断、激烈的成语 破阵子中从视觉、听觉两方面表现激烈战斗场面的句子是什么?在词中作者以“ ”直抒胸臆,直叙壮志. 木兰诗中描写木兰经历的战争持久,出生入死激烈紧张的战斗诗句是?