
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:49:34
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Nowdays ,the world financial crisis sweeping through out of the world,a great number of famous enterprises have bankrupted ,including some of the Fortune 500 enterprises .This is a ordeal for enterprise bionergy .the survivor enterprises of this fiancial crisis have powerful vitality .The enterprise bionergy presented in many aspects,such as innovation .A lot of engterprises put investment on innovation ,but they have not get terurn from this .That is to say ,the innovation did not created profit .So ,it is a common problem for many enterprises that what is the specific connection between the innovation and profit .It is also a common issue that how to convert the production of innovation to profit .This thesis(paper 也可以) take the Apple company as example ,analyzed all kinds of advantages and disadvantages of the Apple company's innovation and the relationship among the market ,consumer ,and enterprises .Besed on this analysis,I have raised some opinions and advise for Chinese enterprises for their lake of innovation .I hope that Chinese enterprises bring forth new ideas for innovation ,and furtherance of the national ecnomic well-being .
500强企业:Fortune 500 enterprises
企业生命力:enterprise bionergy
利弊:advantages and disadvantages
以……..为例:take…..as example
促进经济发展:furtherance of the national ecnomic well-being .

Now, the financial crisis sweeping the globe, many well-known enterprises have been closed down, including some of the world's 500 companies. This is a severe test of the vitality of enterprises in th...


Now, the financial crisis sweeping the globe, many well-known enterprises have been closed down, including some of the world's 500 companies. This is a severe test of the vitality of enterprises in the financial turmoil survived enterprises have a strong vitality. And business vitality, but also in many ways, for example, innovative enterprises. Most of the enterprises, to innovation and investment, but there is no return, that is, innovation does not create a profit thing. So, innovation and effectiveness, what kind of relationship with how many enterprises have been concerned about, and how to integrate innovation into corporate profits is also faced with each new issue papers to Apple for example, analysis of Apple Corporation brought about the pros and cons of a variety of innovative and market-induced innovation, consumers, the relationship between enterprises, the analysis based on the lack of Chinese enterprises to create comments and suggestions. Hope that Chinese enterprises have to change the attitude of innovation, enabling businesses to grow.


Now, the financial crisis sweeping the globe, many well-known enterprises have been closed down, including some of the world's 500 companies. This is a severe test of the vitality of enterprises in th...


Now, the financial crisis sweeping the globe, many well-known enterprises have been closed down, including some of the world's 500 companies. This is a severe test of the vitality of enterprises in the financial turmoil survived enterprises have a strong vitality. And business vitality, but also in many ways, for example, innovative enterprises. Most of the enterprises, to innovation and investment, but there is no return, that is, innovation does not create a profit thing. So, innovation and effectiveness, what kind of relationship with how many enterprises have been concerned about, and how to integrate innovation into corporate profits is also faced with each new issue papers to Apple for example, analysis of Apple Corporation brought about the pros and cons of a variety of innovative and market-induced innovation, consumers, the relationship between enterprises, the analysis based on the lack of Chinese enterprises to create comments and suggestions. I hope my attitude to innovation and enterprise has changed, so that enterprises can develop by leaps and bounds.


Now, the financial crisis sweeping the globe, many well-known enterprises have been closed down, including some of the world's 500 companies. This is a severe test of the vitality of enterprises in th...


Now, the financial crisis sweeping the globe, many well-known enterprises have been closed down, including some of the world's 500 companies. This is a severe test of the vitality of enterprises in the financial turmoil survived enterprises have a strong vitality. And business vitality, but also in many ways, for example, innovative enterprises. Most of the enterprises, to innovation and investment, but there is no return, that is, innovation does not create a profit thing. So, innovation and effectiveness, what kind of relationship with how many enterprises have been concerned about, and how to integrate innovation into corporate profits is also faced with each new issue papers to Apple for example, analysis of Apple Corporation brought about the pros and cons of a variety of innovative and market-induced innovation, consumers, the relationship between enterprises, the analysis based on the lack of Chinese enterprises to create comments and suggestions. Hope that Chinese enterprises have to change the attitude of innovation, enabling businesses to grow.


英语翻译现如今,金融危机席卷全球,许多知名企业纷纷倒闭,包括一些世界五百强企业.这是对企业生命力的严峻考验,在这次金融风暴下幸存下来的企业,都有着强力的生命力.而企业生命力,也 为什么美国金融危机会席卷全球金融危机 美国金融危机席卷全球启迪我们应如何看待经济全球化 国际金融危机自美国发生后席卷全球,反映了当今世界哪一基本特征? 面对席卷全球的金融危机,我国现代市场经济健康发展的秘密是什么,简单一点吧. 英语翻译请帮忙翻译下下面的句子“2008年,世界金融和经济形势风起云涌.随着美国次贷危机愈演愈烈,并逐步升级为一场席卷全球的金融危机,实体经济受到严重冲击.美国、欧元区和日本经济 英语翻译一年多前金融危机席卷全球,深刻地影响着世界各国家的社会、经济、文化建设.受金融危机的冲击,学校培养的人才在就业、择业中面临着新的困难.应对金融危机的挑战,要研究与改 关于我国面对席卷全球的金融危机的三个问题(初三社会)材料:金融危机爆发后,我国马上采取了相应的措施:即扩大内需促进经济发展的十项措施.1.我国经济受国际金融危机的影响,我国 面对金融危机部分企业坚持不裁员对此如何认识2008年以来,金融危机席卷深圳.受全球金融危机的冲击.部分企业订单减少.效益下滑.由于生产经营困难.一些企业把裁员作为应对困境的手段.但 毛概的论文,第一篇,写暑期见闻!还有!:如何看待中国国际地位的新变化?怎样看待席卷全球的国际金融危机? 英语翻译1.来自美国的金融风暴席卷全球.各国紧急出台相应政策挽救本国经济,力求将危机带来的影响降到最低.2.经济全球化带来危机全球化.3.在经济全球化的大背景之下,面对金融危机,各国 英语翻译could you tell me:have you worked as a volunteer in your spare time“改写句子 翻译 你能告诉我怎么操作这台新电脑吗?虽然金融危机席卷全球,但我们还是希望贫穷无望能远离我们.中考的临近极大 英语翻译当今国际市场的竞争,已经跨越了产品竞争时期,进入了品牌竞争时代.目前,金融危机正在席卷全球,这对我国经济来说,既是一个机遇,又是一个挑战.本论文总结了国内外企业的品牌战 怎样看待席卷全球的经济危机 经济危机席卷全球翻译成英文 第二次世界大战席卷全球用英语怎么说 全球金融危机英文怎么讲 金融风暴席卷全球,中国在这场金融危机中也受到了冲击,各产业的生产总值发生了一些变化.资料显示,我国2009年第一季度的第一产业、第二产业、第三产业总产值分别占国内生产总产值情况