
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:05:32
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1、From the United States financial crisis sweeping the globe.States of emergency introduced policies to save the national economy corresponding to the impact of the crisis to a minimum.
2、The economic globalization brings the crisis globalization .
3、In the context of economic globalization,the face of financial crisis,all countries should strengthen their confidence,strengthen cooperation and jointly cope with economic crisis.

1 From the financial turmoil sweeping the globe. National emergency rule on its economic policy to save, striving to minimize the impact of crisis.
2 Economic globalization, globalization brings c...


1 From the financial turmoil sweeping the globe. National emergency rule on its economic policy to save, striving to minimize the impact of crisis.
2 Economic globalization, globalization brings crisis
3 In the background of economic globalization, facing financial. crisis, countries should be confident, strengthen cooperation, with the economic crisis.


1 From the United States financial crisis sweeping the globe, the urgent introduction of appropriate policies to save the national economy to the impact of the crisis to a minimum.
2 Crisis brou...


1 From the United States financial crisis sweeping the globe, the urgent introduction of appropriate policies to save the national economy to the impact of the crisis to a minimum.
2 Crisis brought about by globalization, economic globalization
3 In the context of economic globalization, the face of financial crisis, countries should strengthen their confidence and strengthen cooperation to jointly face the economic crisis


http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate 网上翻译

1. The financial crisis stem from US has swept the globe. All countries rolled out ralative policies to retrieve the national economy in order to minimize the influnce brought by the crisis.
2. Th...


1. The financial crisis stem from US has swept the globe. All countries rolled out ralative policies to retrieve the national economy in order to minimize the influnce brought by the crisis.
2. The globalization of economy brings the globalization of crisis.
3. In the ccontext of the economic globalization,in face of the financial crisis,all countries should be confident ,maintain corporation and conquer the crisis independently~


英语翻译1.来自美国的金融风暴席卷全球.各国紧急出台相应政策挽救本国经济,力求将危机带来的影响降到最低.2.经济全球化带来危机全球化.3.在经济全球化的大背景之下,面对金融危机,各国 英语翻译尽可能地道点,中国经济这艘不断前进的航空母舰在面对席卷全球的金融风暴时,毫无畏惧,破浪而行.一看就是自动的··· 英语翻译2008年,起源于美国的金融海啸席卷全球,波及实体经济并进而演变成一场全球性的经济危机,号称“世界工厂”的东莞自然首当其冲.但是有危就有机,如何应对和防范在这次金融海啸中 美国的金融风暴蔓延全球,说明当今世界经济发展的什么特点? 英语翻译请帮忙翻译下下面的句子“2008年,世界金融和经济形势风起云涌.随着美国次贷危机愈演愈烈,并逐步升级为一场席卷全球的金融危机,实体经济受到严重冲击.美国、欧元区和日本经济 帮忙翻译下面的句子人工的谢谢美国次贷危机引发金融风暴席卷全球,令全世界的经济开始下滑,股市大跌,美国房地产泡沫终于破灭.在人们都准备开源节流的时候,经济上的困境会给旅游带来 什么原因引起08年的全球金融风暴? 英语翻译2008年的金融风暴席卷全球,让我们领略到其凸显出来的系金融风险的本质、影响及其所应采取全新风险控制对策的重要性.全球经济和中国经济正面临一个深刻的调整周期,我们面临的 英语翻译现如今,金融危机席卷全球,许多知名企业纷纷倒闭,包括一些世界五百强企业.这是对企业生命力的严峻考验,在这次金融风暴下幸存下来的企业,都有着强力的生命力.而企业生命力,也 金融风暴席卷全球,中国在这场金融危机中也受到了冲击,各产业的生产总值发生了一些变化.资料显示,我国2009年第一季度的第一产业、第二产业、第三产业总产值分别占国内生产总产值情况 英语翻译“亚洲金融风暴”. 温暖 微笑 坚韧不拔 造句金融风暴席卷全球,请用“温暖 微笑 坚韧不拔”造句,给世界人民送去安慰和鼓励.(50字) 改病句 ①2008年10月,一场从美国华尔街发起的金融风暴席卷了世界各地,给世界各国的经济带来的严重影响②中学生写作文.要留心观察各种事物,要有真情实感,禁忌不可胡编乱造 日本的金融风暴是怎样形成的啊美国向日本发动金融风暴是为什么呢?美国还会发动金融风暴吗? 为什么美国金融危机会席卷全球金融危机 英语翻译在全球经济空前一体化和金融创新发展变幻莫测的大背景下,始于美国的这场次贷风暴己经演变成全球范围内的金融危机,其波及范围之广、影响程度之深为全球各界始料不及.金融危 英语翻译摘要:本次金融危机起源于次级房贷危机,也译为次债危机.它是指一场发生在美国,因次级抵押贷款机构破产、投资基金被迫关闭、股市剧烈震荡引起的金融风暴.它致使全球主要金融 英语翻译美国金融危机的含义简单来讲,是指以美国次级住房抵押贷款还款人违约为根源,诱发的金融机构倒闭破产的金融风暴.这场危机已渗透到实体经济中,并影响着全球产业转移.本文从四