
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 07:55:27
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1、I came home from work one day to find my wife,Jolynn,cradling our six-month-old daughter and repeating,"Da-da" How sweet,I though to myself,for her to choose Daddy as our baby's first word.
Several weeks later,Jhlynn and I were wakened by a small voice crying,"Da-da".Turning over to go back to sleep,my wife said,"She's calling you,dear"
Mom and Dad love our life to the selfless devotion of their love,however,we often encounter the cold because we may have misunderstood them or they will continue to love to do an indifferent Yet all I want to say :We cherish the love of the immediate well-being of Mom and Dad!Mom and Dad here all the good wishes for a happy and healthy life!National happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
爸爸妈妈 一生爱我们的人 无私地奉献着自己的爱 然而常常会遭遇到我们的冷漠 因为我们可能会误解了他们 把他们爱看做无所谓 可是一切还是会继续着 我想说:珍惜眼前的幸福 努力去爱我们的爸爸妈妈吧!在这里祝愿所有的爸爸妈妈身体健康 幸福一生!国庆中秋佳节快乐!
Children!When you are very young,I spent a lot of time teaching your time with spoons and chopsticks to eat.Teach you apologize,son shirt,slide down slides,and tell you the clothes,comb the hair hair,pinch the nose.These and the neighborhood you together is how I missed.So,when I recall,not receive,then,please,give me some time,so I am a bit so I think again ::most likely will not even say what I have to be forgotten.Children!You forget the hundreds of practitioners back of the first children to learn songs?I still remember the day when their brains to reply that he does not know from where you come out of nowhere?So,when I repeated again and again talking about the age-old story of my childhood humming the tune of the song,I understand.Let me continue to revel in those memories!Desirous of you,I can also accompany a nice chat!Children,I often forget to factor son expelled.Meals,dirty clothes,comb the hair will be made when the incessant shaking hands,not to press me,for me a little more patience and tenderness,as long as you are together,there will be a lot of warmth well up in my mind.