
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:07:25
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Once upon a time there was personal name is Smith,he is very believe in god.Later,the flood,the other people all ran to the high position,he said,I believe in god,god will save me,and immediately he climbed to the roof.After a while the water over the roof,water will soon be over his knees,then the opposite to a small boat,the boat to save him,he said:don't you save,god will save me,people helpless of go on the ship.Soon the waters came to Smith's chest,at this time to come over a ship,across the ship on to pull him into the boat,he refused to say,god will save me,don't you save,the people on the ship there is no way to go.A little later the floods to the Smith's neck,then to a helicopter,threw down the rope to pull him up,he refused to say again:god will save me,don't you save,the helicopter is very helpless,they are gone.At this time the waters finally Smith over the head and he drowned.
Ran his soul to god there,blaming god said:I believe you very much,why don't you save me?God said helplessly:I have very tried,sent two boats and a helicopter to rescue you,but don't let you save!When Smith finally wake up,but already late.

The poor and the God's story
once upon a time there was a man called Smith, he is a belief in god. After the floods, the others went to the high place, he said: "I believe in God, God will save m...


The poor and the God's story
once upon a time there was a man called Smith, he is a belief in god. After the floods, the others went to the high place, he said: "I believe in God, God will save me, then he climbed to the roof. Soon the water diffuse the roof, water will soon be over his knees, then the opposite to the boat, the boat people to save him, he said: don't save you, God will save me, the boat people feel helpless to go. Soon the water into Smith's chest, then the side of a ship, ship to get him on board, he refused to say, God will save me, don't you save, the ship had to go no way. Soon the water to Smith's neck, then to a helicopter, dropped the rope to pull him up, and he refused to say: God will save me, don't you save, the helicopter is very helpless also go. When the flood was finally over Smith's head, and he drowned.
His soul to God, that God says: I believe you very much, why don't you save me? God feel helpless said: I have the very best, sent two boats and a helicopter to rescue you, but you don't have to save! When Smith finally senses, but have been too late


英语翻译穷人和上帝的故事从前有个人叫史密斯,他非常信仰上帝.后来发大水了,别人都跑到高位置去了,他却说:我信仰上帝,上帝会救我的,随即他爬上了屋顶.不一会儿大水漫过了屋脊,水马 英语翻译从前有个人,他喜欢爬山 . 和穷人有关的故事有多少(如:灰姑娘) 穷人和富人的故事怎么写? 穷人有骨气的小故事 《穷人和富人》中,上帝为了感谢贫困而善良的穷人夫妇,给了他们( )[A幸福 关于穷人的故事 从前有什么小孩很小就很聪明?和王戎差不多的从前的小孩,要有故事和名字,要文言文 关于穷人帮助穷人的故事快 中国的穷人和国外的穷人有什么区别 故事字谜王冕智难财主 王冕是元朝著名的画家和诗人,十岁时替财主放牛.财主要他订个合同:一年内干得好,才发工钱.一年期满,财主出题:“从前有伙穷人挖到一块壁玉,都说是宝贝,他们砸 帮我一把,关于一个故事中简单的道理从前..夏娃和亚当闹矛盾了.有一天,上帝给他们一个愿望..任何愿望搜都能实现..夏娃(女)对上帝说'我要一个大帅哥夏娃(男)对上帝说:'我要一个大美女!'结 求这则哲学小故事告诉我们的哲学道理,从前有位中旬老人,他一生渴望三个梦想:一位漂亮的妻子,财富和声望.有一天,他在睡觉的时候上帝进入他的梦乡,告诉他会完成他的梦想,这位老人欣喜 一个很有爱的故事 从前有两个人,一个叫“我爱你”,一个叫“我不爱你”,后来“我不爱你”死了,那剩下谁 穷人中能够奋斗成为有钱人的穷人和一辈子贫穷的穷人有什么区别? 帮助穷人的故事急 穷人和富人的区别有哪些? 英语翻译 一位老师正在给学生讲礼貌的重要性,为了使学生们的印象更深刻,老师便讲了一个小故事:“从前,有个人在果园里砍树.突然,他发现错砍了邻居的果树,于是他就去向邻居道歉.然而