more 和another的区别和用法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:00:51
more 和another的区别和用法
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more 和another的区别和用法
more 和another的区别和用法

more 和another的区别和用法
more 是更多 比较级
another 是另外一个的意思!
i have more apples than u have.
i have another gift for u.


more 更多
another 别的

another与the other 和others 与the others都来源于other这个词。
another+数字+名词= 数字+more+名词
the other则指已知的两个人或两事物中的另一个。
others或 other+ 名词,泛指"别的人或别的物"


another与the other 和others 与the others都来源于other这个词。
another+数字+名词= 数字+more+名词
the other则指已知的两个人或两事物中的另一个。
others或 other+ 名词,泛指"别的人或别的物"
the others指"一定范围内的其余的人或物"。
注意:若强调确定数目中的"一(几)个"与其余的,用one...the others或"the other +复数名词"结构。
1) Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we"ve decided to stay for ________ two weeks. (2003上海卷)
A. another B. other
C. the other D. other"s
2) If you want to change for a double room you"ll have to pay ________ $15.(NMET 2000)
A. another B. other
C. more D. each
3) One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and ________ . (2000京、皖春季卷)
A. the other is white
B. another white
C. the other white
D. another is white
4) Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers. Now she would like to read ________ stories by writers from ________ countries.(NMET "97)
A. some; any B. other; some
C. some; other D. other; other
5) -Have you finished your report yet?
-No, I"ll finish in ________ ten minutes.(NMET "95)
A. another B. other
C. more D. less
