有关job的英语作文本人英语水平实在有限,请各位好心的过路人帮帮忙,“what should i do in face of job chioce?" 和 "should college student take part-time job"这两个话题的作文怎么写?大概150字.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 01:58:33
有关job的英语作文本人英语水平实在有限,请各位好心的过路人帮帮忙,“what should i do in face of job chioce?
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有关job的英语作文本人英语水平实在有限,请各位好心的过路人帮帮忙,“what should i do in face of job chioce?" 和 "should college student take part-time job"这两个话题的作文怎么写?大概150字.
本人英语水平实在有限,请各位好心的过路人帮帮忙,“what should i do in face of job chioce?" 和 "should college student take part-time job"这两个话题的作文怎么写?大概150字.

有关job的英语作文本人英语水平实在有限,请各位好心的过路人帮帮忙,“what should i do in face of job chioce?" 和 "should college student take part-time job"这两个话题的作文怎么写?大概150字.
what should i do in face of job chioce?
There are a lot of choose for choosing a future job!And we need to think deeply for choosing a future job.First you have to think,what is your dream,what you really want be,which level you want to be in when you grow.It is a hard question for most of us.Some people no dream,so they had a hard time to choose their job.Some people had a really good dream but they can hardly find any job.And some people just want a high salary.And choosing a job you need to think carefully.That is this job really suit you and is that help you in you education also is it has a high salary or not.And start from now you need to think what will you want to be when you grew up and Planning for your future before you really be in future,it competes intensely.
should college student take part-time job
In our country there are more and more college students undertaking a part-time job or even more than one part-time job.It’s becoming quite common to see students busy running errands after lessons.Some say colleges students are expected to do concentrate on studying,because study is just like their jobs.However I think it’s a good thing for college students to take a part-time job while studying.
Although it is a truth that for a college student,his most important goal must be to learn well and to get a high score in examinations,it surely does not need to be the only target.In fact,college life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences.In addition to bringing more balance to a student’s life,part-time work can broaden his social experience.He will have the precious opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve.Furthermore,work helps a student to develop greater independence,and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances.Finally,a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility and team-work spirit,both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.
For all of these reasons above,I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are at college.Of course,they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility.To sum up,living a balanced life is the best way to be successful.

有关job的英语作文本人英语水平实在有限,请各位好心的过路人帮帮忙,“what should i do in face of job chioce? 和 should college student take part-time job这两个话题的作文怎么写?大概150字. 英语翻译英语水平实在有限‘‘‘‘‘ 英语翻译本人 英语 水平实在是有限 why do you study?一个一百词左右的英语作文,这个要现场背诵的,要打分的,本人英语水平有限, 一篇关于自我保护的英语作文,120字左右我英语水平有限 自己写英语作文怎么才能检查语法上的错误?自己英语水平有限, 本人英语水平有限,现急需两篇英语作文:《How I've changed》《My family rules》不是从网上抄的,请大家发挥想象力(提示:初三英语关于第二第三单元的作文) 帮忙写篇大约100字的英语短文,主要是描写我敬佩和喜欢的家庭成员.主要是本人英语水平实在有限,而现在正在上成人专升本,英语老师留了作业实在不会写,哪位好人帮忙写篇描写我可爱儿子 英语作文 偶像的力量主要是用英文说明偶像有哪些作用 比如给我们树立榜样,在我们战胜困难的精神支柱什么的 本人英语水平有限. 英语作文:体育锻炼的好处与坏处麻烦帮我构思一篇英语作文.因为本人的英语水平实在太烂了.一百二十字左右就可以了. 如何学习英语(只有初中1年级的水平)本人英语很差,想努力学习英语,因为想考研,除了英语,其他的都还行.但是本人英语水平实在不行,想努力学习,提高英语水平.我背单词,背完做题感觉题里 《new classic》(的中文歌词《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》的主题曲《new classic》的歌词翻译成中文的那个,急,望哪位大侠指点下,本人实在是英语水平有限,很多看不懂,惭愧.那就“Please”吧,哪位大侠 麻烦帮我翻译下面一段话,本人英语水平实在有限!摘要:竞争是现代市场经济的本质表现,市场经济条件下,企业竞争日益激烈,企业竞争是经济竞争的主流,现代企业的成长离不开竞争情报系统, 你内心真正所想的 用英语怎么说?想知道这句话怎麽说?但是本人的英语水平有限,希望朋友们帮帮忙啊 there‘s too much crime on tv and in the movies为主题写一篇演讲稿不用非常长,能讲个三四分钟的长度就可以了,本人英语水平有限 ,实在是写不出来. love that who relly thirst for it always get it.的意思本人英语水平确实有限 英语翻译如题!本人的英语水平有限,它认识我,我不认识它, 衣服上这个WASH DARK 英语水平实在有限