I like __ in the small river near our home.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:02:34
I like __ in the small river near our home.
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I like __ in the small river near our home.
I like __ in the small river near our home.

I like __ in the small river near our home.
I like swiming__ in the small river near our home.游泳

I like swimming in the small river near our home

I like __ in the small river near our home. i like to live in the country.对划线提问 __do you like __ __? I like __ nature要用the吗 1.I like swimming ,sometimes in the river .sometimes __ __ lake near my house 横线上的答案, I'd like to __ the word in French.Asay Bspeak请问选哪个? I like big cities better than small ones阅读答案I like big cities better than small ones.There are many reasons.Firstly,I think that living in big cities is good for my development.The economic development in big cities is better than that in sma 4).I like the food __ (烹)at home .I like the food ____ (烹)at home .5).The notes __ (记4).I like the food __ (烹)at home .I like the food ____ (烹)at home .5).The notes __ (记)in class will help us much.The notes i like living in the town house 对the town house 提问 —— of house do you __ __in 填空What is the weather like in __ in Harbin.填空What is the weather like in __ in Harbin? I like walking in the 昨天我和老同学聚会了.I __ __ __ my old classmates yesterday.Jane 希望有一天能环游世界.Jane wishes __ __ __ the world one day.海南的天气四季如春.The weather in Hainan is warm like spring __ __ __ __.房间里温度比较 I like the people __ the food here. I believe in __idea that I shoud fight like __ man whateever trouble I face.A an,a B an,theC the,the D the ,a Dear Annie,thank you for your letter.i'm glad you __ your school.my chinese __ would like to talk with __ in englishvery ofter i go to the parks and have a good time __ my family there I like __ best in this book.A Lesson One B Lesson firs C the lesson one D first lesson I like piaying __ guitarA an B the C a i can see five__oranges in the basket[对画线部分提问 】__ __ __ can __ see in the basket —I don't like the way __ he speaks to me.—I share the idea with you.A.on whichB.in thatC.thatD.by which 翻译