谁能帮我写一篇500字的英语论文:the growth of english in china in fifty years中文也行,相关的连接也行.the growth of english as a secong language in china in the last fifty years..更准确些。

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谁能帮我写一篇500字的英语论文:the growth of english in china in fifty years中文也行,相关的连接也行.the growth of english as a secong language in china in the last fifty years..更准确些。
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谁能帮我写一篇500字的英语论文:the growth of english in china in fifty years中文也行,相关的连接也行.the growth of english as a secong language in china in the last fifty years..更准确些。
谁能帮我写一篇500字的英语论文:the growth of english in china in fifty years
the growth of english as a secong language in china in the last fifty years..更准确些。

谁能帮我写一篇500字的英语论文:the growth of english in china in fifty years中文也行,相关的连接也行.the growth of english as a secong language in china in the last fifty years..更准确些。
The Growth of English Language
A learner of English even a native may wonder why the spelling and pronunciation of English words bear much resemblance to that of German’s or why it has a great ocean of synonyms. And when he happens to meet with a sentence like “he haefd an swithe aenlic wif.” He might not be sure if it is English or not. Therefore it may be helpful for those who want to undertake a deeper study of English to get a general idea of the shift of the language.
This paper divides the growth into four periods:
Anglo-saxon (450-1150)
Middle English (1150-1500)
Modern English (1500-1900)
Present- day English (1900-)
(And more stress will be given on neologism on present day English through some social facts.)
Though it is not possible to fix the precise dates of the change from on step to another, the shift of the English language kept pace very closely with the progress of English history and development of English literature.
Let’s begin with the visit of islands by Juliss Caesar 55BC.Romans invaded the Land on which the ancestors of Scottish Irish Wales called Britons inhabited. And Roman mode of life also came cross to the British Island. Roman theaters and baths quickly rose in towns. Their refinements of civilization however did not affect Britons very much. They still spoke various Celtic languages and were treated like slaves. The Roman occupation lasted 400 years. During the period Britons fought bravely with their invaders and at the beginning of 15th C. the Roman Empire was declining.
In 410 AD Conquerors went back and left Latin alphabet behind that replaced the runic symbols.
After the departure of the Romans about 450AD some Germanic tribes of Anglo-saxons and Jutes invaded southern and western parts of England from north Germany, and northern region was occupied by Scandinavians from across North Sea. These tribes together brought their language called Teutonic which was the base of old English. In the earliest period of the old English there were four main regional dialects:Northumbrians,Mercian,West saxon and Kentissh, which were spoken over all England outside of Wales, over all the low land of Scotland and over a great part of Ireland.
Like German the old English had a highly developed system of endings to show case number, and tense. For example, a noun, in old English has four cases which lead to various forms according to its use:stan(stone)-stanes-stane stonas-stane and stantum. In addition to this the spelling and meaning of some words are quite different from that of modern English, “syle” in old English means “give” and now means “sell”, “on” means “in”, “into” means “on”, “of” means “from” in old English.
By 6th century, the introduction of Christianity into England made contribution of new Latin words to old English by Roman missionaries. These words mostly dealt with religion such as candle, priest, and temple. Though daily dealings with those tribes from Demark, Norway, the Anglo-saxon also adopted such words as egg, sky, sister, and they, them, even the “are” of the verb “to be”.
In 1066 the Norman conquest made a division between old English and Middle English. When these French speaking Normans conquered the Anglo-saxon England, she was already in a state of transition from tribal organization towards feudal system. Norman reinforced this and brought in many new laws social customs and literary ideals. More than ten thousand French words were introduced into English, covering government, the church the army, and many other fields. As a result of this English has an extremely rich vocabulary with a great ocean of synonyms.
Owing partially to Scandinavian inroads, partially to the Norman conquest, and partly to the natural progress, the Anglo-saxon dropped its inflections and changed its syntax to such an extent that it began to resemble modern English. Though there were not much literature works available of the period to show the resemblance the passage from Layamon’s BRUT will give a good idea of it.
Thenne cumeth the wulf wilde: toward hire winden
Then comes the wolf wild, toward her tracks.
Though the wulf beon one, buten aels imane
Though the wolf be one, without all company
And ther weoren in one lopken:fif hundred gaten
And threw re in one fold five hundred goats
The wulf heom to iviteth and alle heom abiteth
The wolf them to cometh and all the biteth.
The process of the change went on with greatly increased rapidity during the period (1150-1500)which we call the Middle English period. The language continued to lose its inflections and also aquired lots of French words. On the whole the process was from chaotic to systematic. In general character, and also in most of its details it became so like modern English that it may be read with comparative ease by one who has no knowledge of Anglo-saxon as we can see in the following passage from LANGLAND’S Vision of piers plowman:
Ac on a may morwening
On malveern hills
Me bfel a ferly,
Of fairy me to rest
Under a brood bank,
By a burn’s side,
And was I lay and learned,
And looked on the waters
I slombered into a sleeping,
It swayed so mury,
Then gan I meten
A morvellous sweven,
Wist I never where.
And also during this period, a great change in English vowels, called the Great vowel Shift, played a very significant role in the development of the language. For most English vowels were affected, which brought about the most characterisc difference between Chaucerian pronunciation and that of today. The two long vowels ; and ; were diphthongized and other long volwels became broader longer as indicated bellow:
Chauser’s chauser’s Shakespeare present day
Spelling pro. Pro. Pro. Spelling
Deel del. Del dil deal
Name nam nm neim name
Hous hus hous haus house
Apart from the shift of sounds we also have the great and important change in sentence structure and forms of word. As the inflectional endings were in the state of having lost, word-order became more important than that in old English.
Such a simple old English sentence as “Us gelicap seglung” to us “pleases sailing” naturely became “We like sailing.” Here the case of pronoun has been shifted from dative to nominative and grammatical subject refers not to the action but to the agent. A still more striking example of this shift of grammatical subject to the beginning of the sentence with proper change in position though not in form of the pronoun, is seen in such a sentence as “He was given the boat.” For old English “Him waes gegiefen se bat” to him was given the boat, where “bat”(boat) is grammatical subject which in present day English became retained object.
Between Middle English and modern English we can not find a clear division as Norman Conquest made between old English and middle English but by the 16th century the language had already taken on look of modern English. The most remarkable feature in the development of modern English is the increase of its vocabulary AS a result of Renaissance a large number of Latin-loan words were brought into English. And due to the trade with all parts of the world many loan-words are the names of foreign products, such words are “tea” from china “potato” from Haiti through Spanish, etc. Later in modern English period science and speedy developed modern society began to exert a great influence on English particularly in vocabulary.
From the growth we came to see that English as a social phenomenon never ceases to change and this is especially true with the language we are speaking now. We may be offered a more clear conception by some facts.
After World War I great changes had taken place in English society, economics science and technology. Advanced science brought considerable influence on the mode of people’s life and reformed environment . It’s no doubt that all this would reflect in the language.
In our society the advancement of science and technology is so remarkable that the steam locomotive has already become the living specimen in museum. Even when a transistor radio is put next to a T.V. set it seems old or somewhat out of date. And people would name it steam radio. So the word” steam” is considered as a symbol of oldness. This provides us with an adequate idea that those words formerly were associated with past have to adopt themselves to the new situation. If there is none they have to be created. So now we have new expressions of old words as well as new words created from new situation. The word anti-social, is not a new word itself. Since it was created in 18th century the meaning of it has changed three times. Primarily it meant inharmonious with society” or unwilling to be with others”. In 19th century it came to mean “to be against the principle of new society” But now we refer to those who are incompatible to the public interest.
As the criterion of moral is in the state of progressing when people speak of “conscience” they will have “social conscience” in the back of their minds.
In this modern and industrialized world, some industrial terms have widely spread over the other fields. Today we may hear people saying that “we should step up the output of graduates or they are the end products from the university.”
The word “processing” generally refers to the changing of characteristic of something through a systematic physical or chemical method. But now it is so widely used that it has encroached upon its unusual usage. It can be picked up to describe any action that goes back and forth or any action that causes the change. When an officer in the airport says: “process passengers” he means to lead the passengers to go through all procedures.
The experiment in nuclear weaponry turned out a very interesting accidental product-bikini, new English-Chinese dictionary gives a clear definition-a very small 2 piece swimming suit for women covering only tiny parts of body”. As matter of fact the word bikini derived from the name of a coral island in Pacific Ocean, on which an atom bomb was experimented in 1946. Then what is the relationship between these two different objects? This may be puzzling, but in fact the explanation is quite simple: The charm of a beautiful young girl with an erectness of carriage in this kind of swimming suit would immediately arouse the emotional excitement of those young men who catch the sight of her. And such excitement is so strong that can be compared to the explosion of atom bomb. This is invention must owe to those admen for they have such talented skill that makes something banal miracle.
During this warfare century, it’s most likely that with warlike nature man has found a very ideal field to probe space in competitive manner. Now they have taken their first step. In order to meet the needs of the new subject of the space navigation a group of new technical terms has to be brought into being. This new subject relies on the Rocketry. At present space men are continued to the orbit round the earth, but they wish to build a space platform or space station from which they can make journey to other planate. And when we are watching a play of space navigation we call it a space opera.
The word “pre-war” also is changed in its use. For some time in the past it referred to the time before 1914, but the World War II affected it. Therefore now it tells the time before 1939. For the sake of avoiding confusion we usually use the term “inter-war years” to mean the time between 1918 and 1939. The functions of the word have been expanded too. For a long time it is utilized as an adjective as in the sentence “He made fortune in pre-war years.” It is also taken as an adverb as in sentence “Pre-war he could hardly exist”.
And now we come to a new era, the era of e- and dot com. So we have now a great number of newly coined words that are utilized in our daily life. According to Barnhart Dictionary Companion they can collect 1500-1600 new words yearly. You could almost put an e-to anything that then would be associated with electronic; the most popular one might be e-mail that has already become a part of our life. As Internet is widely accepted people are gradually relying on it. One graduated in an e-school may sit at home engaging in e-lancer economy through e-business while using an e-bank.
All these examples have proved that language is closely related to the society in which it is spoken. The language develops as the society moves forward. Therefore an English learner who has desire to gain a real mastery of the language, is well advised to obtain a general knowledge of the growth of the language and adapt himself to the changing language in the changing society.
Notes :
1.“He had a very incomparable wife.”
2.And on a May morning
On Malvern hills
Me befell a wonder
If fair me thought.
I was worn out with wandering
And went me to rest
Under a broad bank
By a stream’s side:
And so I lay and leaned
And looked on the waters
I slumbered into a sleeping
It sounded so pleasant
Then began I to meet
A marvelous dream,
That I was in a wilderness
Knew I not where.

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