
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 19:46:58
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Most Lebanese Islam. Islam's Lebanese (muslims) : walked to the restaurant, will hope the service enthusiasm, shake hands. Greet If the party has ladies, want to be relatively remote seat, Lebanese (Muslim women). The environment of dining-room also require formal serious, not kidding.
Just eat beef and mutton, muslims do not drink alcohol, and cattle and sheep in the slain before, so also through prayer service personnel should consult the guest, religious belief and drinks to the main menu, don't ask whether the customer need, especially pork meat.
Lebanese people after the order, the hope can fast access to food. Lebanese people like others to praise their families, service personnel can talk about business, education, travel, and children to avoid talking about politics, guest relationships and financial problems.
If business activities, after the appropriate time is to talk about business, Lebanese hope restaurant can provide candy and uninterrupted environment. Check-out time pass male guest bills, or is the oldest customers in a relatively majesty.
Lebanese people like restaurants have traditional music, mostly Muslim Arab western POP music and not to accept the POP music fused the arabs. Islamic calendar year on September is Muslim Ramadan, from sunrise to sunset during fasting any food and water, Lebanese hope restaurant can open till midnight or even later, to meet the needs of the muslims.
The Muslim and other religious Lebanese, accept a western restaurant, education and traditional service personnel to enter the atmosphere of dining-room, warm and comfortable can easily. Service personnel in this menu, you can use the proper joke to recommend atmosphere, women and soup, dessert wines and customer recommends meat men.
Part of the Muslim people like to try new things, so for food and food products are enormously enthusiastic. But the hope is not in the dinner service that can be disturbed by the bell service or electronic service. For the requirement is relative taller, beverage alcohol in the western countries is very popular in Lebanon, especially in France's wine, Lebanese people hope can be booked into alcohol.
The polite manner of service personnel demanding, hope keep smile, serving process gentlysweeping action. The types of dining-room also more and more high, Beirut recently opened a restaurant ", "the guest needs to be crane to 50 meters of the restaurant, people in the cuisine of in the meantime also can enjoy the scenery, many young from the Lebanese people like this idea," the restaurant is break traditional middle eastern countries people cannot accept new things.
Lebanese still hope restaurant can provide band and western music, violin concerto in holiday and date, rather than the traditional Arabic music.
Five-star hotels and luxury hotels are Lebanese people like places where these high-grade consumption, Lebanese hope "value". To service standards are very strict, hope can be booked in advance by telephone to the best meal time and location.
If is meeting or wedding, Lebanese people hope to provide the corresponding hotel equipment, such as muslims hope can provide special processing hotel before the flocks and herds were slaughtered by (to) and water and drink prayer (not drinks), can provide the wedding prayer time and relatively quiet environment. And the meeting of the Lebanese to local flowers and contains no animal ingredients of candy. But most person is not punctual in Lebanon, so hopefully hotel or restaurant can advance telephone reminder, this is the place for consumption and hope.

英语翻译大部分黎巴嫩人信奉伊斯兰教.信奉伊斯兰教的黎巴嫩人(穆斯林教徒):走进餐厅,会希望服务人员热情的打招呼,行握手礼.如果随行人员中有女士,希望做到比较偏僻的座位,黎巴嫩 中国信奉伊斯兰教的民族 英语翻译:信奉社会主义中的“信奉”怎么翻译? 现在世界信奉伊斯兰教的人约有多少? 我国哪两个少数民族信奉伊斯兰教 维吾尔族什么时候开始信奉伊斯兰教,为什么改信伊斯兰? 世界上主要哪些国家和地区的人们信奉伊斯兰教 中国大都信奉伊斯兰教的民族有哪些? 人应当信奉中庸之道么? 伊斯兰教信仰什么神灵吗?就好象佛教里的菩萨~基督教信奉上帝,那伊斯兰教也应该有信奉的人或神灵吧?想了解下伊斯兰所信奉物的一些传说之类的,望知道的人告诉我, 英语翻译在埃及,阿拉伯人占大多数,他们信奉伊斯兰教,所以他们不吃猪肉,平时他们把大饼当做主食,而且他们也很喜欢喝咖啡和茶 听说基督教和伊斯兰教信奉的是一个神,耶和华就是真主安拉,谁确切知道? 我国少数民族中的维吾尔族和蒙古族多信奉伊斯兰教(判断正误) 世界上的哪个地区主要为阿拉伯人,信奉伊斯兰教?如题 头戴小白帽,信奉伊斯兰教的是哪个少数民族?到底是回族还是维吾尔族? 东罗马帝国主要信奉什么宗教主要是东正教吗?还是伊斯兰教呢 今天埃及主要信奉的宗教是 ①.道教 ②.佛教 ③.伊斯兰教 ④.基督教 急, 牛顿信奉神吗?