英译汉:大概的就行.1) The Buyers shall open,within 30 days after this contract coming into effect,an irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit with the Bank,in favor of the Sellers,100% value of the contract,i.e.USD113432.002) 90% of the total

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 01:05:51
英译汉:大概的就行.1) The Buyers shall open,within 30 days after this contract coming into effect,an irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit with the Bank,in favor of the Sellers,100% value of the contract,i.e.USD113432.002) 90% of the total
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英译汉:大概的就行.1) The Buyers shall open,within 30 days after this contract coming into effect,an irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit with the Bank,in favor of the Sellers,100% value of the contract,i.e.USD113432.002) 90% of the total
1) The Buyers shall open,within 30 days after this contract coming into effect,an irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit with the Bank,in favor of the Sellers,100% value of the contract,i.e.USD113432.00
2) 90% of the total amount of the L/C,i.e.USD102,088.80shall be paid by the bank against at sight draft accompanied by the documents as stipulated in clause (11) in this contract;
3)10% of the total amount of the contract i.e.USD11,343.20 shall be paid against the acceptance by the buyer and after receipt of payment from the end-user.

英译汉:大概的就行.1) The Buyers shall open,within 30 days after this contract coming into effect,an irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit with the Bank,in favor of the Sellers,100% value of the contract,i.e.USD113432.002) 90% of the total
1) 买方须于合同生效后30日内向银行开立不可撤消信用证,收款人为卖方,金额为合同金额的100%,即USD113432美元.
2) L/C总额的90%,即USD102,088.80,须于见到本合同第(11)条的规定的有关文件后由银行支付.
3) 合同总额的10%,即USD11,343.20,须于买方签收货物并收到终端用户的付款后由买方支付.