英语翻译However,the past several decades,dramatic social change,racial affirmative policy of both the long line,then become ossified.First of all,part of the situation of blacks has been considerable improvement in the rapid rise of the black mid

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 10:24:44
英语翻译However,the past several decades,dramatic social change,racial affirmative policy of both the long line,then become ossified.First of all,part of the situation of blacks has been considerable improvement in the rapid rise of the black mid
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英语翻译However,the past several decades,dramatic social change,racial affirmative policy of both the long line,then become ossified.First of all,part of the situation of blacks has been considerable improvement in the rapid rise of the black mid
However,the past several decades,dramatic social change,racial affirmative policy of both the long line,then become ossified.First of all,part of the situation of blacks has been considerable improvement in the rapid rise of the black middle class,not necessarily mean that the poor blacks.Secondly,the ethnic affirmative Faced with this situation can not advance with the times,or by taking line color settings.Such an outcome is a family annual income of more than 200,000 U.S.dollars,the private schools of black children,may be much lower scores,crowding out a family annual income of just 50,000,only the public schools of Chinese descent and to enter the Ivy League.I have friends and jokingly said:I and Obama in the same year,his daughter and his daughter are also the same age.However,according to current rules,after the two girls to college,Obama's daughter may be low to be squeezed out of my daughter,why does not he is president,but their color.
In fact,over the past decade,the racial affirmative action policy has given rise to considerable dissatisfaction with the proceedings into the Supreme Court a few.Several states have legislation to repeal color check people's university admissions policies.One of the biggest opposition forces from the poor whites.They are economically disadvantaged,but to watch their children more clearly by those who score lower black children enrolled at the university,when to be squeezed out.This is not the rich bullying the poor it?Another opposition forces,they come from a very small number of black conservatives.They believe that affirmative race to take care of blacks in the black community has cultivated a serious psychological dependence,but also a blow to the black self-esteem.Black youth feel that their own color black,the examination on a matter of course worse than others,and finally I do not know motivated.Only allow them to compete on an equal footing and other ethnic groups in order to obtain real progress.

英语翻译However,the past several decades,dramatic social change,racial affirmative policy of both the long line,then become ossified.First of all,part of the situation of blacks has been considerable improvement in the rapid rise of the black mid
然而 过去的几十年 社会戏剧性的变化 长期乐观的种族主义政策 变得僵化 首先 在黑人中产阶级迅速增长的的情势下 黑人的境况有所改善 但对于贫穷的黑人不适用 其次 乐观的种族主义者面对此时此刻的形势没有进步 还是设置了肤色的标签 像一个年收入超过20万美元的家庭 在私立学校的黑孩子 也许会得到较低的分数 排斥年收入只有5万的家庭 仅仅公立学校的中国孩子进入了常春藤联盟 我有个朋友打趣的跟我说道 我和奥巴马同年 她的女儿和我的女儿也同岁 可是 根据当前的规则 奥巴马的闺女也许会卑微地被我女儿压榨 不是因为他是总统 而是他的肤色
  事实上 过去的几十年中 种族主义政策已经引起了不满 进入了最高法院 几个州已经立法撤销比色检验人民的大学准入制度 的政策 最大的反对群体之一来自贫穷的白人 他们在经济上落后 但是明确地关注自己的孩子和一起进入大学的那些得分较低的黑孩子 当被压榨时 这不是恃强凌弱吗? 另一些反对团体 他们来自黑人保守派的一小部分 他们坚信种族主义在黑人社团中保护了黑人 他们已经产生了严重的心理依赖 而且打击了黑人的自尊 青年黑人感知他们的肤色,在某一问题上所具有的知识明显比其他人种糟糕 最终我不知道这是否有根据 允许他们与其他的种族公平竞争是为了取得真正的进步

英语翻译People_____________in the past. 英语翻译However,that Malthus was wrong about his own period and the future need not imply that he was wrong about the past. 英语翻译The past disappeared 中文翻译! 英语翻译Abstract The issue of whether the UK should join the European singlecurrency has been fiercely debated for the past two decades.However little research has been devoted to forecasting hypothetical projections for impor-tant UK economic va 英语翻译 however 英语翻译Contribution delinquenciesAs a mandatory pension scheme all employers and employees are required to contribute into the Trust.However,an alarming trend witnessed over the past five years of the Trust’s existence shows that government de 英语翻译I asked him in the past 英语翻译the past'dusty什么意思 英语翻译中文:在过去,主要的解决方案有海水淡化或建造大坝运河.可是,这两种解决方案都存在着一些问题和不足.英文:Major solutions in the past have desalination and the building of dams and canals.However 英语翻译The Benefits of Blending LearningBlended learning is not new.However,in the past,blended learning was comprised of physical classroom formats,such as lectures,labs,books,or handouts.Today,organizations have a myriad of learning approaches 英语翻译However,in its absence the overall number of placodes is diminished and they do not progress past the hair germ stage,although a small number of terminally differentiated hair cells can still be detected.主要是progress past the germ st 英语翻译:staring at your picture from the past,replay moments from the past 英语翻译The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been considered to be fundamental in determining the acceptance of new technology in the past decades.The two beliefs,ease of use and usefulness,in the model may not,however,fully explain the cons 英语翻译The umbrella is a very common object.It keeps the rain and the sun off the people.Most umbrellas can be folded up so it is easy to carry them.However,the umbrella has not always been as common as it is now.In the past,it was a symbol of i 英语翻译However,the past several decades,dramatic social change,racial affirmative policy of both the long line,then become ossified.First of all,part of the situation of blacks has been considerable improvement in the rapid rise of the black mid 英语翻译用“in the past”和“at present” 英语翻译 look into the past for answers to present problems 英语翻译--------China is no longer -------- China of the past