针对sat1 1月写作考题的Should we treat people according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they actually have done?我想问下这个开头可不可以:We admire giant figures exclusively of what they have done.So on the o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 08:59:53
针对sat1 1月写作考题的Should we treat people according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they actually have done?我想问下这个开头可不可以:We admire giant figures exclusively of what they have done.So on the o
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针对sat1 1月写作考题的Should we treat people according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they actually have done?我想问下这个开头可不可以:We admire giant figures exclusively of what they have done.So on the o
针对sat1 1月写作考题的
Should we treat people according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they actually have done?我想问下这个开头可不可以:We admire giant figures exclusively of what they have done.So on the other hand if we put on emphasis on treating people due to their capabilities,we will probably not receive the right sense.From an individual of talents in some fields to one with plenty of accomplishment,one must first overcome a great deal of troubles in order to be regarded by others.So in this sense we should rate people according to their past feat.然后下面的例子段就写名人怎么怎么通过拥有同样能力的人没有的关键因素来成功 说明我们要通过人的过去评价他们.

针对sat1 1月写作考题的Should we treat people according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they actually have done?我想问下这个开头可不可以:We admire giant figures exclusively of what they have done.So on the o
首先第一二句没有 所以 这种逻辑啊...
第三句 看了半天 太 chiEng了吧 From...to 通常是时间上的变化.
从第三句看出 你想说的人要经过磨练,逆境才能成功.然后第四句就说 我们要从他们的past feats里估量他们的价值?逻辑非常混杂.SAT注意的是逻辑..

针对sat1 1月写作考题的Should we treat people according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they actually have done?我想问下这个开头可不可以:We admire giant figures exclusively of what they have done.So on the o SAT1写作部分如何计分 我们的月考题数学 报sat1时报错时间了,10月的sat1考位又已放完,急求sat1的十月考位,请放出新考位时大家提醒一下, 2013年6月sat1香港考位没有了怎么办!想今年6月1号考sat1 但是今天早上报名的时候已经没位子了 我擦怎么办啊 以后还能再刷到吗? 月考题, 我报的是12月的sat2,但是由于11月sat1考爆,无奈12月还得考1,但错过报名时间了, SAT1的数学题 SAT自学解答托福90出头了 阅读25不要劝我啦1、SAT材料必备?2、打算6月SAT2 还有两个月怎样复习?3、我SAT2 SAT1同时准备的,写错了6月SAT1 5月SAT2 求问一道SAT1 2012年1月section9的第14题开头是Danielle earned 35 more credits at the state university 公文写作与处理考题是每年都换考题吗自考的公文写作与处理的考题 每年都不一样吗? SAT1 1670 SAT 2 2380 能报什么学校啊?(悲哀啊!SAT1 太低了)SAT 1 1670 阅读 460 数学 720 写作 490 essay 7分SAT 2 2380(悲剧),数学Lv1和Lv2都考了 数学Lv1 780 数学 Lv2 800 物理800如图所示有什么建议的就 sat1的三项成绩可以分开吗?就收我SAT1分别有5月和10月两次成绩,我可以把5月的数学+10月的阅读和作文一起交吗? 求解一道SAT1的数学题 SAT1和SAT2的区别 谁知道《傻瓜》的写作背景和针对人物? 月考题,马上 sat1转考sat2我在10,11月份报了sat1 现在赶ED呢 所以想10月份的sat1成绩出来之后理想的话马上吧11月的转考sat2 听说打电话是可以转考的?可以这样吗?得提前多久转考呢?还有sat1出分大概多久呢?