英语翻译中国经济在金融危机下稳步增长,人们自然对人民币的升值抱有很大的预期.然而从日本90 年代的经验可以看出,升值的预期比升值本身的消极影响还大,升值的预期会导致热钱涌入,产

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 04:00:01
英语翻译中国经济在金融危机下稳步增长,人们自然对人民币的升值抱有很大的预期.然而从日本90 年代的经验可以看出,升值的预期比升值本身的消极影响还大,升值的预期会导致热钱涌入,产
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英语翻译中国经济在金融危机下稳步增长,人们自然对人民币的升值抱有很大的预期.然而从日本90 年代的经验可以看出,升值的预期比升值本身的消极影响还大,升值的预期会导致热钱涌入,产
中国经济在金融危机下稳步增长,人们自然对人民币的升值抱有很大的预期.然而从日本90 年代的经验可以看出,升值的预期比升值本身的消极影响还大,升值的预期会导致热钱涌入,产生泡沫经济.

英语翻译中国经济在金融危机下稳步增长,人们自然对人民币的升值抱有很大的预期.然而从日本90 年代的经验可以看出,升值的预期比升值本身的消极影响还大,升值的预期会导致热钱涌入,产
China's economy grew steadily in the financial crisis,people naturally under the appreciation of the yuan to have great expectations.However,from Japan in the 1990s,the experience can be expected that appreciation than the negative influence of appreciation itself is bigger,appreciation is expected to result in hot money inflow,produce the bubble economy.

under condition of Financial Crisis,China economy get a normal developing

China has made steady progress in economic growth under the situation of financial crisis, so people has a high expectation towards the appreciation of RMB. However, seen from the experience of Japan...


China has made steady progress in economic growth under the situation of financial crisis, so people has a high expectation towards the appreciation of RMB. However, seen from the experience of Japan in the 1990s, the expectation may have greater effects rather than the appreciation itself and the expectations will lead to a foam economy with the hot money increasing greatly.


As China economy enjoys steady growth facing the financial crisis, people naturally have great expectaions for the appreciation of RMB.However, judging from what Japan underwent in the 1990s, we can ...


As China economy enjoys steady growth facing the financial crisis, people naturally have great expectaions for the appreciation of RMB.However, judging from what Japan underwent in the 1990s, we can see that the expectations ,which will cause hot money infllows and enentually lead to a bubble economy,have more negative impacts than RMB appreciation itself.


The Chinese economy grows steadily during the financial crisis. It is therefore widely expected that RMB will undergo appreciation. However, the Japanese experience in the 90's has demonstrated that t...


The Chinese economy grows steadily during the financial crisis. It is therefore widely expected that RMB will undergo appreciation. However, the Japanese experience in the 90's has demonstrated that the adverse impact from an expectation for appreciation is greater than that from the appreciation itself, because an expectation for appreciation will trigger an influx of hot money and bubble up the economy.


Due to the steady growth of China's economy under the financial crisis, the masses natually have great expectations to the appreciation of the RMB. However, from the experience of Japan in the 1990s, ...


Due to the steady growth of China's economy under the financial crisis, the masses natually have great expectations to the appreciation of the RMB. However, from the experience of Japan in the 1990s, we could see that the expectations would have a more negtive impact than which from the appreciation itself, and the expectations of appreciation would cause the massive influx of hot money, triggering an bubble economy.


英语翻译中国经济在金融危机下稳步增长,人们自然对人民币的升值抱有很大的预期.然而从日本90 年代的经验可以看出,升值的预期比升值本身的消极影响还大,升值的预期会导致热钱涌入,产 英语翻译自1978改革开放以来,中国经济保持着高速发展.1979~2007年社会总产值平均增长速度在10%以上,即使遇上严重的灾害,特别是受亚洲金融危机的影响下,1998年经济增长仍达7.8%,而2003年在经历 中国在金融危机危机下保持经济持续发展增长的根本保证(上面是一段材料)在金融危机对中国经济产生重大冲击的情形下,中国不仅避免了经济增长快速下滑,而且强调加快发展方式转变以 中国经济增长的“第四极”在哪里? 国民生产总值稳步增长怎么翻译 论文摘要中翻英2008年全球金融危机的爆发使得目前全球经济运行的不确定性增大,国内经济增长的速度放缓,国内经济增长中的结构性矛盾也随之突出.在全球金融危机这个大背景下,经济增长 金融危机对中国经济的影响 金融危机对中国经济的影响 要一篇关于 金融危机与中国经济 的文章要在1000字左右 英语翻译在美国金融危机向更深层次、向全球演进的背景下,中国经济面临着前所未有的考验.而作为外贸依存度高达150%的广东省,其外贸出口行业更是受到巨大冲击.虽然国家出台了相应的出 世界金融危机与中国经济发展论文 谁是中国经济增长第四极 什么推动了中国经济增长 拉动下一轮中国经济增长主导产业将是哪些产业呢?( 拉动下一轮中国经济增长主导产业将是哪些产业呢?( 英语翻译请将这个题目“中国经济增长与人民币的国际化前景”翻译成英文 英语翻译从去年年中开始出现恢复性增长的中国外贸,今年如何在汇率、原材料、劳动力、资金成本等多重压力下“突围而出”、重返金融危机前的高位?在素有“外贸晴雨表”之称的华交会 金融危机下马克思主义的当代价值简述在金融危机背景下马克思主义的当代价值.