1.music compaines are yet to realize the value of OMRAS.这句话我觉得没有否定意义呀,翻译给出的是“公司没有认识到...2.only one library reference per tune is needed.意思是“每一个曲子只需要一个资料库”.only o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:10:28
1.music compaines are yet to realize the value of OMRAS.这句话我觉得没有否定意义呀,翻译给出的是“公司没有认识到...2.only one library reference per tune is needed.意思是“每一个曲子只需要一个资料库”.only o
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1.music compaines are yet to realize the value of OMRAS.这句话我觉得没有否定意义呀,翻译给出的是“公司没有认识到...2.only one library reference per tune is needed.意思是“每一个曲子只需要一个资料库”.only o
1.music compaines are yet to realize the value of OMRAS.
2.only one library reference per tune is needed.
意思是“每一个曲子只需要一个资料库”.only one library reference per tune 这整个是主语么?怎么讲不通呀?
3.it`s a handy invention now that the recording industry has taken to suing kid who share music online.
给的翻译是“由于唱片业现在开始起诉那些在网上共享音乐的孩子,这项发明就显得十分便利.”我不明白的是“that the recording industry has taken to suing kid who share music online.”不是一个定语从句么,是修饰invention的,还是now that 本身是一个关系副词,是“由于”的意思?

1.music compaines are yet to realize the value of OMRAS.这句话我觉得没有否定意义呀,翻译给出的是“公司没有认识到...2.only one library reference per tune is needed.意思是“每一个曲子只需要一个资料库”.only o
2.这里的主语是only one library reference,谓语是被动语态is needed,per tune (每一个曲子)事实上是状语.这句句子如果直接翻译成“每一个曲子只有一个资料库是被需要的”更便于理解.
3.应该now that是连词由于,表示原因.it`s a handy invention表示结果.

1.music compaines are yet to realize the value of OMRAS.这句话我觉得没有否定意义呀,翻译给出的是“公司没有认识到...2.only one library reference per tune is needed.意思是“每一个曲子只需要一个资料库”.only o We have a large music room ar our school.Do you have a music room ( )it?用正确的疑问词和be动词 music music music 读音不同的英语单词.()1.A.campB.clubC.musicD.pencil(c)()2.A.bankB.carrotC.dangerD.relax(a)()3.A.beachB.breakC.cleanD.meat(ea)()4.A.warmB.farmerC.largeD.guitar(ar)()5.A.cuteB.ruleC.useD.music(u) 将下列句子改为间接引语 1.Was an old man murdered this morning?l wonder.l wonder_______2.How many crimes have you solved the interviewer asked Detective Lu.The interviewer asked Dective Lu_________3.“Don't listen to music while you ar 初二牛津英语的一些题目1.The music sounds___.How___they are playing!A.well,well B.nice,well C.nice,nice D.well,nice2.Could you tell me ___video games.A.what wrong is B.what wrong was C.what is wrong D.what was wrong3.When the fireman ar AR RETURN AR,CP, AR是什么意思 求做线性代数题目1.设向量组A1,A2,……,Ar线性无关,作一下线性组合:B1=A1+K1*Ar ,B2=A2+K2*Ar ,……,Br-1=Ar-1+Kr-1*Ar证明:B1,B2,……,Br也线性无关 我要词语的音标coat(oa)shirt (ir)blouse(ou) white(i) gray(ay) teeth (ee)help(e)sharp (ar) but(u) here(ere) long(o) sock(o) music(u)lunch(u)garden (ar)clean(ea) tidy(i)much (u)那个框框是什么 ( )ard,( )ard,ar( ),( )( )ar( ) 怎么填? [Ar]3d54s2中的[Ar]是什么意思?rt u ar nothing u ar nothing 同义句改写 1.She has no interest in popular music.She _____ _____ ______popular music. 一、单词辨音:一( )1.much(ch)2.school(ch)3.French(ch)4.teacher(ch)( )1.spare(ar)2.share(ar)3.fare(ar) 4.are(ar)( )1.thank(a)2.watch(a)3.can(a)4.Paris(a)( )1.easy(ea)2.least(ea)3.teapot(ea)4.idea(ea)( )1.surround(ou)2.count(ou)3.found(ou)4.cur