定语从句中以 THE way的用法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:53:49
定语从句中以 THE way的用法
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定语从句中以 THE way的用法
定语从句中以 THE way的用法

定语从句中以 THE way的用法
1.way + 定语从句
way 后面跟定语从句有三种形式.
(1) way + in which + 定语从句
She was pleased with the way in which he had accepted her criticism.
(2) way + that +定语从句
They didn’t do it in the way that we do now.
(3) way + 定语从句
He didn’t speak the way I do.

the way 后一般有三个用法:
1.the way that
2.the way in which
3.the way 后不加什么