I went on a tour around the city of shanghai.求翻译!went on a tour around

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:06:08
I went on a tour around the city of shanghai.求翻译!went on a tour around
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I went on a tour around the city of shanghai.求翻译!went on a tour around
I went on a tour around the city of shanghai.求翻译!went on a tour around

I went on a tour around the city of shanghai.求翻译!went on a tour around
我去环游了上海这座城市.【went on a tour around somewhere.————是去某地环游了一圈的意思】 tour around 可理解为:周游、环游之意.

go on a tour
漫游, 巡回, 周游
在...周围, 四处
祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)



I went on a tour around the city of shanghai.求翻译!went on a tour around I have____many places in China. I like going____ I went to Hainan on a package______用tour/trave/visit的不同形式填空 on a tour I went on a holiday. 初二英语完形填空:Alistair went on a tour with his friend Rupesh to India. 帮帮忙把这个英语句子改写为非限制性定语从句.原句:When I went on a tour round China,I saw many historicai sites.It was very exciting.我改的是:1.My tour round China,on which I saw many historical sites,was very exciting.2. 急Yesterday,I went on tour to see great white sharks in the ocean.It was so excited.A group of six of us met the tour guide in the morning,and he took me out on the boat.When we got far enough the shore,the guide stopped the boat and put some meat i I hope to go on a nature tour.为什么用on? We went on a(n)_______to the mountain yesterdayA.excursion B.trip C.tour D.travel讲解是excursion“远足,短途旅行”trip “旅游出行;行程”tour “游历;观光”travel “(长途)旅行”为什么不能选tour? I went on a trip on last weekeng.怎么问? go on a tour of the city 题目中close的意思是什么啊?-Where did you go on holiday this summer?England?-You are close.We went on a 10-day tour to Paris. 一道英语单选题,where did you go on holiday this summer?England.You are ____.We went on a 10-day tour ti Paris.A.funny B.right C.cool D.close.选哪个呢?where did you go on holiday this summer?England。You are ____.We went on a 10-day tour a rock group called the rocket grew is on tour翻译,on tour 英语翻译1.what did I learn about Chinese customs from my exciting exchange to China?2.My friend went back to his room closing the door behind him.3.I whispered for the rest of the evening.4.I saw the tour guide wearing a very pretty fur coat on t A:What kind of ( ) are you looking for?B:I hope to go on a nature tour I went to Dalian()my vacation.A.for B.on 改错i went on a visit for Shanghai last week