英语高人看看有没有错误I know that you are in boarding school.And did you have any trouble in your boarding life?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:56:53
英语高人看看有没有错误I know that you are in boarding school.And did you have any trouble in your boarding life?
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英语高人看看有没有错误I know that you are in boarding school.And did you have any trouble in your boarding life?
I know that you are in boarding school.And did you have any trouble in your boarding life?

英语高人看看有没有错误I know that you are in boarding school.And did you have any trouble in your boarding life?
应该是 in a boarding school.



I know that you are in a boarding school. And do you have any trouble in your boarding life?

在boarding school前面加a,第二句把did改成do,应该是一般现在时。





I know that you are in a boarding school. And do you have any trouble in your boarding life?

在boarding school前面加a,第二句把did改成do,应该是一般现在时。




in a boarding school我知道你在寄宿学校。在你的寄宿生活中有遇到一些问题吗?

英语高人看看有没有错误I know that you are in boarding school.And did you have any trouble in your boarding life? 看看有没有错误 看看有没有错误. I am not guessing,I really know求英语高人解释为什么有两个动词,而没有连词呢? 帮我看看下面这片短文的语法有没有错误,英语大师帮帮我看看Dear grandparents,NOV 27th 2009First,warm wishes at Thanksgiving.I'm sorry that I didn't say thank you yesterday.I was so busy yesterday.And I wish it won't be late.w 我写了我的第一篇英语日记,求谁帮我看看有什么错误,或者可以有更好的表达么Wen.,May,4th FineI will keep a dairy from today on.I know there may be a difficulty to learn English well just as my Chinese,but I still want to h 请大家帮我看看英语作文有没有错误 求助英语学霸,看看有没有错误 能不能帮忙看看英语,有没有什么错误?873166196 懂英语的帮我看看这篇小作文有没有错误,有错误帮忙说下,My dream is to have a quality life.But now I know that I need to do a lot of things .First I want to study hard and get good grades .Then I will go to a good university and 帮忙看看有没有错误, 找个英语高人,帮我看看这篇文章有没有语法错误,字母错误等.(悬赏80)Hello, teacher, you have worked hard, I wish you a Pepsi, good luck in everything! 您好,老师,您辛苦了,祝您百事可乐,万事如意!I began to in 英语作文检查有没有错误As you know,Shanghai hosts the 2010 World Expo.So I went to Shanghai with * and *,our former classmates,during the summer holidays.Today,I’ll share my journey with you.We set off on the 8th of August.After three hou i don't know 中do和know都是动词,有没有错误? 谁帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有什么错误,有错帮忙说下正确句子.Dear Zhang Jing:Hello!I know tomorrow is your birthday .I hope you will have a wonderful birthday .But I’m so sorry I can’t come to your birthday party .Because 朋友们帮忙看看这篇简单的英语日记有没有错误.August 9th Thursday SunnyI want to go to home,I miss my mother、my friend and live that city.What are they doing?Happy or unhappy?8月19号 星期三 晴我想回家,我想我的妈妈 哪位高人能帮我看看我的英语自我介绍有没有语法错误,怎样改正 帮我看看这几句英语对话有没有什么错误A: You need buy a car and test a driver's license.B: You know I have been trying to get it since two years ago. But I haven't got that yet.A: Haha you are so lucky! I guess you couldn't find a gi