求大神帮我翻译一下这篇对话,只有这些分了,万分感谢!讲课需要用,有知识点最好了Wang: hi,john,how are you getting on these days?John: not too bad .Wang: you seem to have lost a lot of weight.anything wrong?John: I don

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:47:59
求大神帮我翻译一下这篇对话,只有这些分了,万分感谢!讲课需要用,有知识点最好了Wang:  hi,john,how are you getting on these days?John:   not too bad .Wang: you seem to have lost a lot of weight.anything wrong?John:  I don
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求大神帮我翻译一下这篇对话,只有这些分了,万分感谢!讲课需要用,有知识点最好了Wang: hi,john,how are you getting on these days?John: not too bad .Wang: you seem to have lost a lot of weight.anything wrong?John: I don
Wang: hi,john,how are you getting on these days?
John: not too bad .
Wang: you seem to have lost a lot of weight.anything wrong?
John: I don't know.It's strange really.
Wang: what's strange?
John: Well,about two months ago,I started feeling depressed for no real reason.
Wang: And are you still feeling like that?
John: No.It got worse .The depression turned into anger and I started having fights with my friends.
Wang: Have you seen a doctor about it?
John: Yeah,I saw one at the health clinic . He told me that I had clinical depression.
Wang: How do they treat that?
John: Well, I've start going to the clinic once a week for "talk“ therapy
Wang: And...has it helped?
Wang: Sort of.It's taught me how to control the depression,but it hasn't gotten rid of it entirely.
John: So,what do you think the cause of your depression is?
Wang: I'm not sure. I asked the doctor and he said it's often from too much stress.But I haven't been all that stressed lately.
John: Mmmm.that's strange.So what happens from now no?Do you keep going to this "talk"therapy or whatever you called it?
Wang: Yean,I'll keep seeing the psychiatrist once a week for the time being and I have to take anti-depression medication as well.
John: And how long do you need to keep that up?
Wang: It all depends. The doctor says every case is different.
John:I guess depression isn't something that gets better overnight.But I'm sure you'll be okay soon.
Wang: I hope so.I'm already much better than I was.I'm getting back into my studies again and starting to spend more time with my friends.
John:That's good. Hey,I have an idea,May Day is coming. How about going on a trip? It'll take your mind off the things.
Wang: Sounds great.I'm in!

求大神帮我翻译一下这篇对话,只有这些分了,万分感谢!讲课需要用,有知识点最好了Wang: hi,john,how are you getting on these days?John: not too bad .Wang: you seem to have lost a lot of weight.anything wrong?John: I don
王:额..这真的很奇怪,(So what happens from now no?应该是from now on吧?)那今后你准备怎样做?你准备继续那个什么“聊天治疗”吗?

求大神帮我翻译一下这篇对话,只有这些分了,万分感谢!讲课需要用,有知识点最好了Wang: hi,john,how are you getting on these days?John: not too bad .Wang: you seem to have lost a lot of weight.anything wrong?John: I don 求大神帮我翻译一下,太草了,我看不懂啊! 求大神帮我认个字“氵猗”这两个字是在一起的由于我不认识,所以我只好分开来写,帮忙翻译一下这个字念什么? 求英语大神帮写对话有道翻译不采纳 英语翻译求大神帮我翻译一下这些英文名 就是用中文的话怎么读 有特殊含义的话也顺便说一下LaylaEsmeAlexaAvaTrinityTerraTaylorVivianKyra 求文言文大神帮我翻一下下面这些话!我有一个好朋友,他脊椎扭伤了!现在想发一条信息安慰一下他,想用文言文,因为他平时喜欢这些!希望大婶们帮我翻译一下,内容:听说你最近身体欠佳,希 哪位大神帮我翻译一下这是什么意思,觉得好评 哪为大神帮我翻译一下这段盲文! 帮我翻译一下英语吧大神! 大神们帮我翻译一下 化学推断题,没分了,求大神帮我 帮我翻译一下这些句子 英语翻译帮我把这些翻译一下, I want your spot I'll get your spot 分少,我也只有9分了.汗.希望高手帮我翻译一下, 哪位大神能帮我翻译一下这篇英文文章? 高二的英语,求大神帮我翻译一下文章,分段翻译,谢谢 盲文翻译 求哪个大神帮我翻译一下 “无字天书”四个字 求大神帮我解答一下这道生物题