下面是阅读理解原文,有一道题做错了不明原因,It is only a shiny,yellow metal,but it is one of the most valuable metals on earth.Since the beginning of time,men have looked for this extremely valuable item,gold.Gold is soft and easy t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:45:04
下面是阅读理解原文,有一道题做错了不明原因,It is only a shiny,yellow metal,but it is one of the most valuable metals on earth.Since the beginning of time,men have looked for this extremely valuable item,gold.Gold is soft and easy t
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下面是阅读理解原文,有一道题做错了不明原因,It is only a shiny,yellow metal,but it is one of the most valuable metals on earth.Since the beginning of time,men have looked for this extremely valuable item,gold.Gold is soft and easy t
It is only a shiny,yellow metal,but it is one of the most valuable metals on earth.Since the beginning of time,men have looked for this extremely valuable item,gold.
Gold is soft and easy to form into different objects.If it gets wet,it does not rust like iron or other metals.Acids do not change it.One important reason that gold is so valuable is that it is scarce.
Due to its softness,gold must be combined with other metals to harden it and give it strength.By hardening gold,people can then make coins and jewelry with it.Metals commonly mixed with gold are nickel,platinum,and copper.Gold jewelry bears a number and the letter K.The K means karat (carat),which is a measure of the amount of pure gold in the jewelry.Pure gold is 24K.Therefore,a necklace which is 14K is fourteen parts gold and ten parts other metal.
Many countries utilize gold for certain coins,but this practice is not as common now as it once was.The United States,for instance,stopped making gold coins in 1933.
答题:59.If a ring is marked 12K,then the percentage of gold in it is _____.
A.12 B.50 C.25 D.24

下面是阅读理解原文,有一道题做错了不明原因,It is only a shiny,yellow metal,but it is one of the most valuable metals on earth.Since the beginning of time,men have looked for this extremely valuable item,gold.Gold is soft and easy t
啊,关键在这里啊 “ Pure gold is 24K.Therefore,a necklace which is 14K is fourteen parts gold and ten parts other metal“,意思是说,纯金是24k,所以如果项链是14k,就说明有14/24是金,10/24是其他金属.

下面是阅读理解原文,有一道题做错了不明原因,It is only a shiny,yellow metal,but it is one of the most valuable metals on earth.Since the beginning of time,men have looked for this extremely valuable item,gold.Gold is soft and easy t 英语阅读理解怎么百度阅读理解和完形填空怎么通过百度找到原文?原题? 大学英语四级阅读理解我的英语阅读理解不太好,文章有些地方看不懂,我知道主要是词汇量不够,但奇怪的是有些题我看懂了还是做不出来或做错,我觉得有些选项好像很像,好像理解的有问题 英语阅读理解题读懂了却老是做错 阅读理解题 就一道 一次数学竞赛有13道题,每做对一道得8分,做错一道扣5分,小文共得91分,他做错了多少道题? 今年是365天''.这是一道判断题的原题,请大家判断对错.其实很难理解,回答要理由哦!原题是今年有365天''.我看到和我理解一样的答案了,不过不确定, 一道求极限题,答案是3分之2,可是我为什么做错了? 阅读理解,有图请看下面. 为什么语文阅读题总是会做错自己总是认为对了,可是总是做错,使总分不高.每次都是这样,怎么办?阅读理解占了很高的分啊! 高一英语报上面有一道选择题,自己感觉报纸是不是做错了,原题:He took out the present that he had prepared and stood there,with his eyes___ upon Della,his dear wife.A.fixing B.fixed答案是选择B我觉得是A,他的眼睛不 英语阅读做错了,要怎么做错题辑,做总结啊 1、数学课上老师出了2道题,全班25人做对第一道,18人做错第二题,有10人全对.那么两题都做错的有几人?请写出算式步骤,要对!好的可能+分~拜托是18人做错了D2T~2、六1班有28名男生.14人打篮球,9 如题 最近做到一道选择题 我做错了 说是辽夏宋的地理位置关系大致是?选项有两个是较可能答案 一个是辽在上面那个半圆(地理北方)下面的半圆是左夏(地理西部)右宋(地理东部)并 语文错题集需要把文言文和阅读都整理下来吗,怎么整理有一些我是靠蒙的没做错,那用不用写下来,还有文言文的用不用将原文抄下来,如果错的是有关原文理解的题目,阅读呢? 一道数学题,全班同学中有26人做对了,16人做错了,8人不会做,错误率是(). 错题本怎么写?是不是比如在作业本上把一道题目做错了 把做错的过程抄到错题本上 然后在下面写上为什么错了 正确的答案是什么? 雅思阅读的问题雅思阅读summary题,有时候从原文中提取的答案有形容词或副词,是否都需要写上?如:原文是:“eventually wear off”,而答案是“wear off”,那我写前者算对吗?