谁能帮我写2-3分的2个人英语对话段句A is thinking about taking a night class,but doesn't konw which class to choose.B is trying to help A make a decision.both should give reasons why a class would be a good choice for A.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:11:00
谁能帮我写2-3分的2个人英语对话段句A is thinking about taking a night class,but doesn't konw which class to choose.B is trying to help A make a decision.both should give reasons why a class would be a good choice for A.
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谁能帮我写2-3分的2个人英语对话段句A is thinking about taking a night class,but doesn't konw which class to choose.B is trying to help A make a decision.both should give reasons why a class would be a good choice for A.
A is thinking about taking a night class,but doesn't konw which class to choose.B is trying to help A make a decision.both should give reasons why a class would be a good choice for A.

谁能帮我写2-3分的2个人英语对话段句A is thinking about taking a night class,but doesn't konw which class to choose.B is trying to help A make a decision.both should give reasons why a class would be a good choice for A.
B:hi ,a what are you busy for ,i have not seen you for a long time?
A:i was quite busy this few days and i am thinking about to take a night class,but i don't know which one to choose,do you have any good recommendation?
B;em,let me think
A:actually i have a choice ,what do you think of ,is it a good choice?
B:well,i don't think so ,why don't you try ,i've heard that class is quite famous?
A;but that class is not only too expensive for me ,but also too far from my home.
B:no cross ,no crown,worth for it,it have the best teaching material and the teacher are all been overseas
A:I don't know which one to choose from,several of my friends are studying at and they told me it was good.the fees are also acceptable
B:well,make you decision wisely ,is your chioce,not mine.i need to go home now ,bye
A:thanks a lot ,see you
打得我好累,不知道你满不满意 两个补习班我用代替

谁能帮我写2-3分的2个人英语对话段句A is thinking about taking a night class,but doesn't konw which class to choose.B is trying to help A make a decision.both should give reasons why a class would be a good choice for A. 简单的商务英语对话谁能给我个简单的商务英语的对话,本人英语不好,希望简单点,2个人的对话,每个人大概15句左右把,还有这个对话的背景.50分 七年级英语情景对话10个对话,情景对话,不少于十句对话,2,3个人对话都可以. 跪求一个关于时尚的英语对话2个人的对话,每个人4 5句吧、谢谢,我急用 麻烦英语好的人帮我写几段对话吧!口语考试要用!写得好额外加分!A B两个人的对话.每段对话十句左右.1 How to adjust a new environment?怎样适应新的环境?大学环境.提示:离开熟悉的地方来到一个 写一段关于 戒烟 的英语对话,2个人的. 帮我编几段双人英语对话,口试用.2到3分钟(每人4到5句)左右.双人对话.第一段主题是问路第二段主题是点菜(服务员和顾客)第三段主题是上网注意是两个人的对话. 征集关于Climate and Weather 的5个人每人2-3句的英语对话 求写一篇对话,关于“golbal warming and climate change”.2个人的,2分钟左右,英语4级的对话水平悬赏50分. 英语对话.素材哪位高人能帮我找段大约2—3分钟的英文对话,两个人的,期末口试用的,词汇在四级左右.内容要有意义...对于好的,一周内回复有效! 写一段关于天气或娱乐运动的英语对话,3分钟左右,2个人的. 写一段关于校园爱情的英语对话,3分钟左右,2个人的. 关于意见和建议的英语小对话至少每个人3句!(2个人)要求最好就是每个人3,4句的短短的对话~ 关于Which class do you perfer?的英语对话谁能帮我写一下,两个人的对话,不要太短就可以, 关于“表达歉意”的英语对话是2个人的对话~大概每人6~7句~就是1个人向另1个人表达歉意是英文的~ 谁帮我写段英文口语对话2个人的一人十句话这里的,急用!不要太难也别太简单,初中程度这里的. 帮我写5篇英文对话,两个人的,有TOPIC,每篇长2分钟.请英语高手写几篇词汇比较高级的英语小短篇,写得好的给分50分,因为怕没人写浪费我分数啦,有5个单元,每个写一篇,2个人念每篇大概2分钟时 急 谁帮忙写个2个人的关于a family story的英语对话 不用太多几句就行了!1