
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/26 21:22:24
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1934年11月9日,吉鸿昌不幸被国民党反动派逮捕,11月24日被杀害,殉难前,吉鸿昌从容走上刑场,以树枝作笔,以大地为纸,写下了浩然正气的就义诗,然后在刑场上慷慨陈词:“我为抗日而死,不能跪下挨枪,我死了也不能倒下!给我拿个椅子来,我得坐着死.”坐在椅子上又向敌人说:“我为抗日死,死得光明正大,不能在背后挨枪.你在我眼前开枪,我要亲眼看到敌人的子弹是怎样打死我的.”当刽子手在他面前举起枪时,他凛然高呼:“抗日万岁!”“中国共产党万岁!”壮烈牺牲,时年39岁.November 9,1934,the Kuomintang reactionaries Jihongchang unfortunately arrested on November 24 were killed,martyrs,Ji Hongchang calm on the execution ground to a T branches to the earth for the paper,wrote a noble spirit Jiuyi's poetry,and then the execution ground,vehemently declared:"I died for the Japanese,Aiqiang not kneel down,I can not fall dead!to me with a chair,I sat in the death." sitting in a chair also the enemy,said:"I was anti-Japanese die,die openly,not behind Aiqiang.shot you in my eyes,I want to see what the enemy's bullets killed my." When butchers in front of him give from the gun,he awe-inspiring shouted:"Long live the anti-Japanese" and "Long live the Communist Party of China!" heroic sacrifice,when the 39-year-old.