请问我的雅思作文这篇可以评几分?Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities.To improve this situation,some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years.O

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 01:06:25
请问我的雅思作文这篇可以评几分?Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities.To improve this situation,some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years.O
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请问我的雅思作文这篇可以评几分?Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities.To improve this situation,some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years.O
Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities.To improve this situation,some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years.Others,however,believe every one has the free right to choose where to work.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Recently,how to improve the public health care and education of children who live in suburb areas has become a heated issue.Some people insist that new teachers and doctors should be taken into these areas where chindren require,while others hold an opposite perception,firmly believing that one have the right to select an appropriate place which he likes.Generally,I tend to believe that the authority should encourge mass volunteers who would like devote their lives to children.
It is evident the good health and qulity education are foundamental and essential for children.With the new teachers and doctors' coming,there probably emerges a degree of improvment in rural areas.The increasing number of children who get good education witnessed this phenomenal change.Furthermore,these children could gain oppprtunities to cope with the issues in the society with high-developed tecnology,possessing sufficient edcucation and training.It seems that we have solved this thorn which we have been facing.
However,some opponents perhaps point to the fact that even a teacher and doctor has his right to choose where they except to work freely.Assuming that one is sent to this suburb area which he does not like,he would be lack of sense of responsibility and sense of belonging.Moreover,the obligation--providing perfect health and qulity education--would be suppressed by this.In addition,insufficient experience will lead unwanted consequences.For instance,new teachers will misguide the students when talking about the future occupation.So the point I would like to make is that experienced teachers and doctors who would like to work in the suburb areas should be encouraged,at the same time,some sorts of education and medical facilities also should be supplied by the authority.
In a nutshell,I also claim that teachers and doctors have an indispensible role to play in improve the surroundings of rural areas.Paying heed to the issue and arising the mass media's attention is a effective and efficient approch to solve this situation,also,other available facilities should not be neglected.Only in this way could children lead a gorgeous life.Our society subsequently will make greater strides in future.

请问我的雅思作文这篇可以评几分?Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities.To improve this situation,some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years.O
不错的文章,应该可以得很高分,不过注意用词,像"in a nutshell",非常口语的说法,建议在这种文章上不要用(而且你后面跟的那句也不是总结,而是发表了新的看法),可改用”As shown from the compelling evidences from above..."


请问我的雅思作文这篇可以评几分?Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities.To improve this situation,some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years.O 大家帮我评价一下这篇作文几分60分的作文可以得几分 这样的雅思作文能得几分?说明:我的目标只是5至5.5 请问可以达到吗?some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer.作文如下In c 请问这篇作文能打几分 【雅思作文高手进】帮我看看这篇作文,估下能得几分我是第一次考雅思,这是我摸索着写出来的作文,没什么经验,也肯定会有很多出错的地方,就不要客气指出来,顺便帮我估下能得几分,Today,env 请问雅思阅读 我答对了30个能得几分?请给权威的回答 请问这样的作文在雅思学术类考试中,可以拿几分.请用力拍砖.请点评.some people believe that those who are not talented in language learning should not be required to learn a foreign language.What is your opinion~Arguments arou 请帮我看一下这篇雅思作文能评几分,Some people insist the belief in which the popular saying 'Spare the rod,spoil the child.' conveys.Others think beating misbehaving kids with any kind of instrument is inhumane and cruel,and doing so w 帮我改下雅思作文,并看看这篇作文能得几分、、谢谢Old buildings occupy a large space in some long-historical countries.It represents the culture and lifestyle of a nation.Some people support to protect these old buildings in order 一篇雅思小作文求分析剑9T1的作文,可以得几分?有什么不好的地方? 雅思作文模板请问哪里可以载到好的雅思作文、写作模板. 请问100分 我可以得几分 求大侠修改雅思大作文!求哪个大侠帮我看看这篇雅思大作文写的怎么样,有什么可以修改、提高的地方,最重要是看看能得多少分?Some people think earlier technology changed our lives more than recent technolog 这篇雅思作文可以得几分?请大家点评一下.Some people said the government shouldn’t put money on building theatres and sports stadiums; they should spend more money on medical and education. Agree or not agree? I think the government 雅思几分是合格~分什么等级的啊?最少几分可以出国? 大家看看我这偏雅思大作文可以拿几分?要按雅思的评分标准来的啊 要求是:The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems.What are these problems? In order to reduce the problems, should we discourage people from using ca 大家看看我这偏雅思大作文可以拿几分?要按雅思的评分标准来的啊 要求是:The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems.What are these problems?In order to reduce the problems,should we discourage people from using cars 雅思小作文没写好 大作文跑题 作文能得几分2013 9月7的雅思 让很多烤鸭欲哭无泪.我小作文没写好 大作文跑题.还有希望得五分么.大作文前面两段还可以.后面就开始云里雾里.另外就是我看了