求一篇250字左右的英文作文这几天真的是没时间请大家帮个忙 upper-intermediate水品即可 要求如下Write a letter(about 250 words)Either...you are going to stay with a family in an english-speaking country.Or...an english-sp

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:11:36
求一篇250字左右的英文作文这几天真的是没时间请大家帮个忙 upper-intermediate水品即可 要求如下Write a letter(about 250 words)Either...you are going to stay with a family in an english-speaking country.Or...an english-sp
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求一篇250字左右的英文作文这几天真的是没时间请大家帮个忙 upper-intermediate水品即可 要求如下Write a letter(about 250 words)Either...you are going to stay with a family in an english-speaking country.Or...an english-sp
这几天真的是没时间请大家帮个忙 upper-intermediate水品即可 要求如下
Write a letter(about 250 words)
you are going to stay with a family in an english-speaking country.
an english-speaking guest is coming to stay with you.
就是一个短篇小信笺 我个人更倾向于第二个 请各位帮个忙 谢谢!

求一篇250字左右的英文作文这几天真的是没时间请大家帮个忙 upper-intermediate水品即可 要求如下Write a letter(about 250 words)Either...you are going to stay with a family in an english-speaking country.Or...an english-sp
Hi Laura,
I heard you are coming to stay with me.I am very excited to welcome you to my home.I have always been waiting for a english-speaking guest to come over to my house and share our experiences.You do not need to worry about the rooms since I will be preparing them well enough to welcome you.Bring a lot of summer clothing since the temperature here has been very warm.Do not forget your swimming suits since we have a very gorgeous beach here which means we can go lay by the beach and get tanned!Oh,I can't wait to see you!Visit soon!
Warm regards,