
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:47:54
He is going to Cuba for at (little) a week在at后面填词 will not,will no longer这两个的意思不是一样的吗 怎么用呢 not/kate/will/party/at/dance/the这几个单词如何组成一个句子? there is no bread in the bag,这里的no,能换成not吗?为什么?no的用法 课本里的模范情侣 他们的经典对话如下 Hi,how are you?Find,thank课本里的模范情侣 他们的经典对话如下 Hi,how are you?Find,thank you!and you? Does the hotel ___breakfast ( offer ,provide)但题目答案是offer,我也见过用后者的,是不是二词没区别,至少在此处 写一句意思相同的句子 只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就算是在养鸭场也没有什么关系还得是仿写句子 英语翻译求翻译'谢谢National nutrition standards state that breakfast should provide 30% of the daily recommended energy and nutrients needed for the body The hotel __________ breakfast.A.brings B.provides C.gives D.sends “朋友的眼睛就是一面明镜”什么意思? 鸭梨大肿么办.. 表示假期作业什么的还没写好 作业还没写完,肿么办? 作业没写完,肿么办? 农场养鸡的只数比鸭多三分之一,这里吧谁看做单位一? 煤气什么指标(标准)爆炸 足球得球压参数指什么?球压是什么意思? 改错 Today is saturday .Ben and his cousin are at the zoo. I have( ) bread ,but I don't use( ) butter填什么I have( ) bread ,but I don't use( ) butter请回答,题也没说用什么答,我感觉是用some,any之类的东西回答 改错 Does jack and his cousin have hamburgers? 改错 Does jack and his cousin hava hamburgers? he is a little gloomy 颜S 什么意思啊 有十二盒巧克力其中11和质量相等另一和少了几块如果用天平称至少几是可以找出这盒巧克力 若惜伊颜什么意思 怎样理解这个句子:it doesn't look as confortable as it is.具体讲讲怎样给这个句子结构和理解. By 伊颜 lemon not adorable用中文怎么读 Say you love me My love belong tu She takes for a walk to school everyday 这句话对么? 1.I _____ in China.2.As we ______ old,we have think more and more.3.What will you do when you _____ 5.Sales of new building _____ by 10% last year.grow/grow up 选词填空 心生漪,颜无痕 是什么意思? 瓜熟蒂落的反义词