
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 18:43:19
计算-2^2010+2^2011应等于( ) A 、-2^2010 B、-2^2011 C、-1 D、2^2010 I was at school at three yesterday afternoon.对at school 划线部分提问 求x²-(p²+q²)x+pq(p+q)(p-q)和x²-2xy-8y²-x-14y-6因式分解 计算|3分之1-2分之一|4分之一-3分之1|+|5分之一-4分之一|+.+|2012分之一-2011分之一|怎么算 They were visiting the history museum at one o'clock yesterday afternoon .(对划线部分提问)划线部分:visiting the history museum ______ ______ they ______ at one o'clock yesterday afternoon 如果(x²+ax+8)(x²-3x+b)的展开式中不含有x³项且常数项为1,求a的-b次方+b的-a次方= 根号2分之[根号32-根号8] 根号32-根号8分之9+根号2分之25 根号32-根号8+2根号2分之一2x²-4x-1=0 要使(AX²-3X)(X²-2X+1)的之中不含X³项,则A= We were ( ) bookshop yesterday afternoon while we were walking yesterday afternoon.the bell rang. What were you doing yesterday afternoon?— We were singing ____.A.all the time B.always C.on tA all the time B always C on time D in time 2分之 9 正负根号73 等于多少 若-2x²*(3x-ax-6)-3x³+x²的结果中不含x³项,则a的值是 已知(x²+ax+8)(x²-3x+b)中不含x³项和x项,则a,b的值分别为多少? 2(ax²—x³)+b(x²+ax)=ax³—3x²-cx 求a+b+c的值 根号下九分之四得多少根号下 9分之四 化简得多少.根号下 25分之16 化简得多少. - - 完形填空it's never easy to admit you are in the wrong.We all__1__to know the art of apolgy.Think how often you’ve done wrong.Then count how many __2__ you’ve expressed clearly you were __3__.You can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do _ It's never easy to admit you are wrong. 英语翻译Think how often you have done wrong.Then count how many times you have expressed clearly you were sorry.You can't go to bed with an easy mind if you do nothing about it.A doctor friend,Mr.Lied,told me about a man who came to him with diff It is not always easy to tell the right ______ the wrong.It is not always easy to tell the right ______ the wrong.A from B with C than D to It is easy to get -__(接通) to the wrong person when you dial an unfamiliar numberconnected?connecting?connect?connectcion? 计算:根号27*(根号3-2) 已知(x²+ax+8)(x²-3x+b)中不含x³项和x项,则a,b的值分别是? 若(x²+ax+8)(x²-3x+b)的乘积中不含x²和x³项,求a和b的值. 已知ax²﹢b×﹢1与2x²-3x+1的积不含x³ x,那么a b﹦? you are wrong you'are wrong You are wrong. You are not wrong 若多项式,X的平方-8X-1与3X的平方+4X-N的和不含常数项,则N+1的值为____________