
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:59:17
"Eric is English"怎么变否定居句啊 英语填空!frank is a boy.( ) is English. A.meat B.see C.bread[找出发音不同的单词]ea ee ea B和哪个单词读音一样? We should encourage the children affectedby the earthquake to be happy to face thelife in the future同义句The children affected by the earthquake ___ ____ ____ to be happy to face the life in the future 小学人教版六年级上册英语第35页句子 Is that boy __?这里挖空的答案应该是选 A.a Chinese or English 还是 B.Chinese or English 我当海西小主人的征文要和别人不一样的,不能抄,我是福建的 我当海西小主人征文怎么写? 我是海西小主人征文怎么写? I am going to the booksore.这句话怎样提问在the booksore的基础上提问 She is going to book a table at the restaurant. I am going to set up my website这两句怎样翻译 第七题为什么选b, 关于why和 thatHe seems like a person who never knows the reason ___ he should act differently in different stages.答案说横线部分填why不能填that 这是为什么?难道这不是定语从句?可是我看语法书上说在定语从句中why made with /filled with /served with的用法有什么不同? 不成行大法中的行是什么意思 快来 八年级英语谢谢!急,快 have so start real swim say hour study become bearWang Ping was __1__ in 1991 in Shanghai.She swims vrey well and is now __2__ is our school.She hopes to __3__ a member of the national team.She __4__ swimming when she was five.At that time she __5__ 八年级英语,求解答,快 skate 是啥意思 skate怎么读 你为什么喜欢米老鼠?米老鼠什么大家都这么喜欢呢?你到底喜欢它什么地方呢? 为什么米老鼠是迪斯尼的标志?米老鼠有什么象征? 20个o开头的单词20! o开头的单词带注释的 三个以上 o开头的有什么单词. 你想何时购物?When____you____do____________? 填空 我想知道这一事件是什么时候发生的 I want to know when this event_______. what do you do and what do you say when you get a gift?这句的中文意思是:你说说你想什么时候得到礼物请问是这个中文意思吗? 购时尚什么时候放 5780用数字说成汉语是什么意思?帮帮忙告诉我.什么意思?帮帮忙,快点...