
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:44:58
the noon in the night ,the sun in the day and the love in my heart 我爱你更多些怎么用英文翻译 John plays football ――,if not better than David .为什么用as well as? you'll have to stay at home from school. For e___,I have to stay at home on schooi nights.(在空格内填一个单词) Who has to stay at home on school nights?的回答是He has,还是He has to My love will always stay in the day of our acquaintance这句什么意思? 上海洛基英语的《英语天才计划》网络课程,好吗?有朋友推荐去上课,但是想想了解下情况 "Can you tell me what to do about it?"这里用what to do 而不用how to do 是因为about it? Luckily,we'd brought a road map without___we would have lost our way.A if B that C this D which嗯,这道题应该是选择A,但是为什么答案上是D?话说,貌似是if等同于which但是,这···到底是A还是D来着··· What a difficult problem! Could you tell me____? A.how I can solve it B.how to do with it请问选哪一个答案 为什么 可我怎么觉得都对呢 谢谢 成人的话去哪学英语好呢,那个沃顿国际英语和洛基英语怎么样? 秋天中有什么景象?比如有落叶,有丰收的果实………………急 The edge of love and painThe edge of love and pain On the verge of love and The pain of love,and this is what love?谁能帮我翻译下这句话 人性化管理好还是制度化管理好点?两者有什么区别? “丰收时节” 用英文翻译 小女孩巧答萧伯纳中为什么说小姑娘是他的老师,而且一辈子都忘不了她 为什么萧伯纳把小姑娘当做自己的老师 Lucy with her friends always ___ to school by bus.A.go B.goes C.to go D.going. i'm going to school on foot with my friend可以这样说吗? The man is always w_______ to share things with his friends 怎么区分 to live和 to live in 请问是be patient to sb 还是with sb?老师讲说是be patient to sb eg:Miss Zhang is very patient to us可是我查阅了下点拨等类似的辅导物 询问别人 说是with sb of sth是不是老师讲错了呢? 有be patient to do这种用法吗?还有be patient with/of之后接什么?举两个例子! 是be patient with 还是be patient to 如果两个都有 后面各接什么词 Did you prefer _ shopping to _ at home? A.to go.staying B.going.stay Cgoing.stayingDgo.to stay 用括号中单词的适当形式填空.It is humid here,because it often ------(rain). day for day . baby you can have every you lie you can have every you lie是哪首歌啊就听出这些来 英文不好 求解释 很喜欢这首歌 A_ the students in our ciass love Jay Chou .The students in China have a lot of h__ to do every day The doctor's advice is that the patient ___ about his real physical condition.A.be not told B.not be told C.will not be told D.must not be told选什么啊》为什么?