
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 22:37:58
华北事变后,什么标志着中国人民抗日救亡运动新高潮的到来.哪个运动? 1935年后,中国各界人民抗日救亡运动有哪些 写一篇英语课文SUMMARY,怎们写?哪些该细写,哪些可以省略? 七位数有小到大排列.他们的平均数是27.前四位的平均数是25.后四位的平均数是30.问他们的中间数是多少不对啊 如果是31的话 那么后面4个数的平均数怎么能是30呢 Ⅲ英语填词:1.She ——(醒来) a terrible dream when her mother entered the room.1.She ——(醒来) a terrible dream when her mother entered the room.2.We help ——(互相) with our homework in the summer holiday.3.Man should 中国近代史上历次反侵略失败的原因要求1000字左右~ she walked into the room on t___ when she saw her mother sleeping in it When she came into the living room,her mother was reading a letter from her father.这个句子中哪个是主句哪个是从句?怎样分辨一个从句中,哪个是主句哪个是从句? 中国近代史上 , 台湾因什么战争中清军战败而被日本割占? 关于(高三)高中英语大作文前面30字的概括(Summary).一定要这样开头吗?我们老师硬是要我们套句型,第一步要分清是什么文体.第二步就开始套句型了:例如:故事类:The story tells us sth/ tha 英语练习 1.where have you ___ Tom has____to the libra英语练习1.where have you ___Tom has____to the library .And I went there to ask him some questionsA.been,been B.gone,been C.gone ,goneD.been,gone 2.--Did you have someone _____the trees--Yes ---_____Tom?---He's______home.( )A.Where's,at B.Where,in C.Where,at D.What's,at——____,what's that?——_____,I don't know.( )A.Sorry,Excuse me B.Excuse me ,SorryC.Hello,Sorry D.Sorry ,Sorry . 已知全集U={1,2,a平方+2a-3},子集A={/a-2/,2},CuA={0},求a的值 所得税汇算清缴是怎么回事啊?怎么计算? 公司所得税汇算清缴怎么做哦? 所得税汇算清缴我公司去年被认定为国家重点扶持的高新技术企业,可减按15%税率缴纳所得税.但我填完税收优惠附表通过后,总申报表显示的税率仍是25%,结果与我自己计算的数据不一致,怎么 所得税怎么汇算清缴 所得税及其汇算清缴我们是商业企业一般纳税人,假如2011年1月份-3月份累计盈利是2000元,那么应该缴纳所得税2000*25%=500元,做分录是3月底 借:所得税500 元 贷:应交税金-应交企业所得税500元.4 she looked at me in ______ when i came into her room .A.glad B.huppy C.excited D.surprise 改成被动句:When I came in ,she was cleaning the room Where is Tom ?I hve something important to tell him I last saw him _in the library readingA:sit B:seated C:seating Dsat 答案是B 为什么呢 where's Mr lee?I have sth.unusual to tell him.A You may not find him.he has been to Japan.B You won't find him.he has gone to Japan.答案给的A,但是我觉得应该是B,因为用A的话不是表示已经从Japan回来了吗? A={a平方,2}B={1,2,3,2a-4} C={6a-a平方-6},如果C属于A,C属于B,求实数a的取值集合 抛物线y平方=2px(p>0)的动弦AB长为a(a>=2p),则弦AB的中点M到y轴的最短距离为? Tom__look after his mother.She has been ill these days A.have to B.has to C.had to D.will have to Tom came home with a very serious look on his face.翻译 Look,Tom is making ___(face)如题 tom never works hard at his lessons,so it is not___to see a ___look on his face after the exam.A surprised disappointing B surprised disappointed C surprising disappointing D surprising disappointed 选D 为什么 二次函数的顶点与X轴的交点围成的三角形为直角三角形△是多少如题会+分 哈哈 我算出来是4 哪个人写的多久哪个了 the noise brought the kangaroos running into the room(running作什么?)在句中充当什么?为什么用ing? 已知三角形的三个顶点都在以下表格的交点上,其中A(3,3),B(3,5),请在表格中确立C点的位置,使S△ABC=2,这样的点C有多少个,请分别表示出来. 2a^2-7a+2和a^2-6a+1怎么比较大小rt