
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:16:49
云南滇农本草生物科技有限公司是怎样的一个企业? 春捂秋冻有科学道理吗? "春捂秋冻"有它的科学依据吗? 春捂秋冻 有科学依据吗? 春捂秋冻有科学根据吗?什么意思? 已知9x=10y,求( 1-x分之y)的2001次方乘以(y-x分之x)的2002次方的值 请问这怎么翻译的,thanks怎么选择Had electronic computers not been invented, many problems of space flight ______ now. A. could not have been solved B. could not be solved C. must not be solved D. should not have been solved 已知整数x.y满足6xy+9x-10y+16求x+y值 英语翻译159.If you persist ____ ignoring my instructions,I shall have to punish you.A.on C.with 英语翻译Jack is twice as old as Jill,but in five years time he will only be one and a half times as old as Jill.How old are Jack and Jill now? 英语翻译136.______ is create some slack for himself and enjoy his jobs more.A.What he rather would do B.What he would rather do C.What he would rather did D.That he could rather do 已知9x=10y,求(1-y/x)的3001次方乘[x/(y-x)]的3002次方的值.要过程,尽量详细些,谢谢. 3x-4y=7 9x-10y=25=10 求X、y的值. 蝴蝶的生殖方式是胎生还是卵生用赤眼蜂消灭害虫有什么好处 蝴蝶的生殖方式?A.体外受精,卵生.B.体外受精,变态发育.C.体内受精,卵生.D.体内受精,变态发育. 春捂秋冻的科学依据有哪些 因为用符号怎么写是1点在上? 春捂秋冻有道理么 “春捂秋冻”有道理吗? 7下历史导学练第17课答案 七下历史导学练15课四、五四:有位史学家说:“科举制度的实行,用统一的标准来选择社会上的优秀人才,使之参与国家政治.”清明之际著名思想家顾炎武认为“八股之害等于焚书,而败坏人 这个@符号怎么写 I can improve my English when I am speaking to foreigners .对吗 when it comes to food,foreigners are cowardswhen it comes to food,foreigners are cowards;they dont dare take risks,not like we chinese,who'll try any kind of meat.为什么不是dare to take risks?dare在这里是情态动词吗?句子怎么翻译? 这个公式不知道究竟是什么,谁会运用呀,=CONCATENATE(MID(A1,1,4),"/",MD(A1,5,2),"/",MID(A1,7,2)) 从0,7,5,3四张卡片中挑选3张排成同时能被2,3,5整除的3位数,这样的数共有几个 (1/2)已知sin2a=3/5;求cos a的值 求满足sin(a-x)-sin(a+x)+2cos a=负根号10/10的锐角x 鸡兔同笼的公式是什么? 把三又八分之五互化为小数. 八分之三化成小数是多少? 二又八分之七化成小数 写出比七分之五而比七分之六小的三个分数?