
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 12:38:15
如图 在三角形abc中,ad为中线,e为ac上一点,ad与be交与f,ae=af,求证ac=bf级别不够,不能发图片,你们自己画吧,不好意思啊尽快啊,28号前 1.Are you going to have a sports meeting tomorrow?Yes,but I will call Kate to make sure _____A.why to start B.when to start C.what starting 分子:1×2×3+2×3×4+3×6×9+4×8×12+……+50×100×150分母是:分母是:2×3×4+4×6×8+6×9分母是:2×3×4+4×6×8+6×9×12+……+100×150×200商是多少? the members of the Red Cross were asked to stay ____ they were,and _____A.where...so they did B.in which...so they wereC.where.so were they D.in which...so did theyTom hadn't turned up,so a practical joke_____to us to punish him after his arrival.A.h 高度h/米 气温t/摄氏度 0 20 50 20-0.3 100 20-0.6 150 20-0.9 200 20-1.2(1)写出利用高度h表示气温t的代数式 单词拼写(用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.)would you like ___(help) me ____(make) the model plane?she likes ____(make) kites.she also ____(fly) a lite at the weekend.some of the students ____(not like) ____(read) books.they are t 1.The student is sitting next to me is sick now2.I'm using the pen which be bought it yesterday3.I'm going to work in the hospital where needs me 4.I'd like to buy that new model recorder but which is too expensive for me5.Henan is a province which p 已知:△ABC和△ECD都是等腰直角三角形,且AC=BC=2,EC=CD=1(1)如图1,点E在AC边上,连BE并延长交点F,此时容易证明BF⊥AD(这里可以不证明).试求AF的长(2)将图一中的△ECD绕点C逆时针旋转一锐角(如图2 已知如图三角形ABC和三角形ECD都是等腰直角三角形∠ACB=∠DCB=90度 D为AB边上一点求证BD=AE 如图,△ABC和△ECD都是等腰直角三角形,∠ACB=∠DCE=90°,D为AB边上一点,求证:(1).△ACE≌△BCD,(2),AD²+AE²=DE² 如图,三角形ABC和三角形ECD都是等腰直角三角形,∠ACB=∠DCE=90°,D为AB边上一点.(1) 求证:△ACE全等于△BCD;(2) 设AC和DE交于点M,若AD=6,BD=8,求ED与AM的长. 999+1等于多少 1加999等于几 1加999等于多少? 2的1次+2的2次.+2的999次等于? 如图,在三角形ABC中,AD垂直于BC于D,且AD^2=BD*DC,求证三角形ABC为直角三角形. 已知:如图在三角形ABC中,AD垂直BC,垂足点为D,AD²=BD·DC.求证△ABC为直角三角形.我们没学相似,麻烦用勾股定理证 已知,如图,在△ABC中,AD⊥BC,垂足为点D,AD的平方=BD×DC.求证:三角形ABC是直角三角形 因式分解(x^2+3x)^2-(2x+6)^2怎么做 因式分解(2X*X)+3X-2=?因式分解 的题 x^4-2x^3+x^2 (2)3x^6-3x^2 (3)x^2-4xy-1+4y^2 因式分解 分秒怎么表示 三年级下册数学(1+3+5+7+...+999)-(2+4+6+...+998)用简便方法计算 如图,△ABC中,AD⊥BC于D,若AB+BD=AC+DC,求证AB=AC 时间用什么字母表示 时间用字母表示怎样写 mary was looking forward to ——to kate`s birthday party a.inviting b.being invited c.invite d.be invited Don't get any closer to the cage of the animals.One step forwards,____they might hurt you.A.or B.and C.so D.then (1+3+5+...+1 999)—(2+4+6+...+1 998) 己知,如图,三角形ABC和三角形DBE均为等腰直角三角型.求证AD=CE,AD⊥CE.机智的己知,如图,三角形ABC和三角形DBE均为等腰直角三角型. 求证AD=CE,AD⊥CE. 机智的小伙伴们, 如图,已知:三角形ABC和三角形DBE均为等腰三角形.(1)求证:AD=CE;(2)求证:AD垂直CE 如图,△abc△bde为等腰直角三角形,∠abc=90°,∠dbe=90°,连接ad,ce,ad与ce又怎样的位置关系?