
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:39:31
he asked,"how did you find it,mother?"改为间接引语 Sarah asks her mother help her.错在哪 “出来混,总是要还的!”用英语怎么说? 雷震写的《村晚》这首诗是什么意思? 乡愁:这首诗是按什么顺序写的从哪里看出来?诗人把乡愁分别比喻成什么?这首诗表达了作者什么样的思想感 "where have you been "he asked Andy 改为间接引语 直接引语变间接引语Aum have you found the solutons to these proldems to day?joe asked “高姿态”是个褒义词还是贬义词? 水莲花什么时候开 故意摆出各种姿势是什么成语 四个季节分别怎么写 david asked his mother:where have you been in wuhan?(合并句子)格式是:David asked his mother about ( )she (   )been in wuhan. Where ,have,lunch,his,mother(?) (用现在进行时连词组句)(Where is his mother having lunch?)知道是这样写,但不知为什么在Where后面用is 秋水仙素加倍后的单倍体是否还叫单倍体如果仍为单倍体,单倍体不是高度不育的吗?可是秋水仙素加倍后不就可育了吗? 关于单倍体用秋水仙素加倍的问题取花粉粒进行单倍体育种后,当长成幼苗后,若用秋水仙素加倍的话,那不是有的植株就有两个Y染色体了吗?那还是正常的植株吗? 我想知道Aa 和AAaa的表现型一样吗?也就是说他的杂合体的基因型是什么,是不是有两种AaAa和AAaa?我想通过杂交选出一种新的棉花品种,这个品种的表现型有一个性状必须是杂合基因控制,可不可 辩论赛:成大事应不应该注意小节?我方的是:因该注意小节 我是第三辩. 希望能给我提示.我是第一次、谢 上(唐太宗,下同)谓魏征曰:“人主何为而明,何为而暗?”对曰:“兼听则明,偏听则暗.”上谓侍臣曰:“人言天子至尊,无所畏惮,联则不然.上畏皇天之监临,下惮群臣之瞻仰,兢兢业业,犹恐不合 兼听则明 偏信则暗中魏征如何来论证自己的观点的 最后的春天 语文中考全攻略(下册) P268—P269 作者:胡蓉 [读者】中选段的 开头是‘在我的案头,有一束金黄的麦穗.1文章书怎样围绕‘麦穗’二字构思的2‘我’剪下‘一束麦穗’作为永久的珍藏,有什么深意3请找出点明文章主旨的句子4文章刻画了 麦穗读什么音 根据首字母补全单词.my sister likes sport,so she is more a( ) than meHis rock music made the audience go w( ) 广玉兰中最能表现作者情感的一句话 1.I'm in a high school.I'm going to finish high school -___ two years.A.before B.at C.in D.for2.A good plan can make your work ___ A.easier B.finishing C.easily D.to finish3.There ___ an English speech contest tomorrow.A.be B.was C.is going to have D 1.I'm sorry to here that he is s ____ ill2.Little Tom __ prize ____ te best performer at the school show last week A.won;to B.win;to C.win;of D.won;of3.Liu Dehuais one of the popular____(act)4.Jackie Chan and Jet Li have much ___.And they often play 1.The airport is about a ___ bus from here A.two hours B.two-hour C.two-hour's D.two hour's2.The food of that restaurant is ___ delicious ____ ____那家饭店的食物一点也不好吃 1.We shouldn't q____ the important of learning2.Jane is writing down her resolution ___ the next year.A.to B.for C.at D.in3.What do you think of this idea?I think it's -___ difficult ____ keep A.too,to B.so,that C.enough,to D.to,to4.How can I improve 英语单词 hand 的中文意是什么?英语单词 hand 的意思是什么? 基因型为Aa的一株玉米,经秋水仙素处理后,再让其自交,在完全显性的条件下,子代中两种表现性的比例是多少答案是35:1,我算的是15:1. 形容辩论或者辩论用得上的名言10句名言警句,例如:辩论的优点在于辩手们有来有往,有立有破,而不是各摆沙场,自说自话.——谭君久教授.10句以上,不过尽量越多越好 以“面对强者”为话题写一篇文章?