
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 00:46:05
“不耻下问”是什么意思? 请给几个不带逗号的非限制性定语从句,并简单说明.只要不带逗号的非限制性定语从句 逗号前是短语.后面就不是非限制性定语从句吗比如In some countries,____ is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.为什么不是非限制性定语从句呢? 请举出几个带逗号不是非限制性定语从句的例子 A survey about what the politeness and impoliteness are among English youth has been done recently.麻烦各位同志帮忙翻译哈翻译哈, 改为含有if条件句的复合句.老师说是主将从现,是不是要改成If they do more practice,they will win the match?我同学做的都是If they are going to do more practice.they will win the match哪个对、?给下理由 用国际音标标注汉语句子.帮我用国际音标标注一下以下句子.“我是齐齐哈尔大学学生.”“白日依山尽,黄河入海流”“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆.” 考试要用,请务必准确, 有没有能识别语音并自动标注国际音标的软件?因为不知道自己说的是否标准 杜甫《山行》的国际音标注释急求杜甫的《山行》的国际音标注释,但一定要是国际音标,不是罗马音.求专家!不好意思,是杜牧的山行。原文:远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家,停车坐爱枫林 对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造采取的形式是A、加工订货B、统购包销C、经销代销D、个别公私合营E、全行业公私合营, 我国对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造是通过多种形式的______进行的 我国对资本主义工商业进行社会主义改造采取的形式是A,赎买政策B、合并政策C、没收政策D、公私合营 I felt better after having a nap.此处为何要用having 而不是过去式? 选择题After ( )him better, I regretted ( )him unfairly. 答案是getting to konw, having judged问下就是这个have 是什么意思为什么加进去,还有什么现在分词完成式是表动作先后的,这个有点搞,不知道这道题目和 After having 是什么用法?After having decided to take some presents to a children's hospital,the circus owner,……………………这句话开头的After having是什么用法?怎么having后还跟过去式?什么时态啊? For you.For me.The sake of our future effortsFor you.For me.The sake of our future efforts For the sake of you,I am very tired 【I am pleading with you for the sake of attitude怎么读 (Attitude adjustment)怎么读 英语“人们的态度”怎么说?是people's attitude 还是people's attitude如题就是attitude加不加s My classmate Lauru from France改为同义词 帮我翻译一下成英语:不要迷惘不要觉得难过,人生本是一场旅行,终点已经定好.顺其自然,若是注定发生、必会如你所愿. 政治问题:中国在对资产阶级工商业实行社会主义改造的过程中,在利润分配上采取的政策是什么?详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 没有你我的世界将是一幅黑白画英语怎么写 【改为被动语态】1.We sent the young man to work at this school.【改为被动语态】1.We sent the young man to work at this school.The young man()work at this school.2.The students planted many trees yesterday.Many trees()the stude “can be seen in the action of children ad yong as this could be seen as a good deal all around.什么意思? 请问"can be 是不是正如的意思?那"as can be what美式[hwɑt] 音标的w和类似于a写法的音标 合起来念窝? Everything is not as seen on the surface. what i have seen is not true什么意思