
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 10:08:30
what does the newspaper sayIts reported that a new airport …twenty miles from the city now.A is being constructed B is constructed C has constructed D was being constructed That makes a We are very tired,We can't walk any where的改法We are very tired,We can't walk any where(连成一句话)We are_________tired__________walk. that make a year错在哪里 泰山吟 谢道韫从诗歌体裁上看,这首诗属于---------诗.峨峨东岳高,秀极冲清天.岩中间虚宇,寂寞幽以玄.非工复非匠,云构发自然.器象尔何物,遂令我屡迁.逝将宅斯宇,可以尽天年. What does it buy you What does it buy you if you throw a RuntimeException or create a subclass of RuntimeException justbecause you don't want to deal with specifying it?Simply,you get the ability to throw an exceptionwithout specifying that you do so What does it bring you? 未来两周内中国还会发生7级以上的地震吗? 今天下午到明天还会有地震发生吗 谢道韫的两则小故事 50字就行 东晋才女谢道韫的一句咏雪词是什么,而且被广为传诵 That new house spends my uncle 500,000 yuan last year.spend的主语不是一定要是人吗?这个句子的主语是房子吧. what are you reading?An article ----- by my one of my favorite studentsA was written B written C is written D that was written 亲们,谁有if cupid had a heart发到邮箱里给我,thank you 作文:为快递员鼓掌 600字 王戎早慧中诸儿竞走取之的之是什么意思? 《王戎早慧中的四句的“竞走”是什么意思 王戒七岁尝与诸小儿游 王戎没有“竞走取之”的理由是什么? 不要用翻译机器 The organization of this paper is as follows.Section 2 briefly discusses 英语翻译我想明白了,应该是“在过渡部分”的意思。transfer有过渡的意思 the Great Wall Badaling Section 这样翻译对吗 the imposition of a new organization翻译 I'm literally sleepin in the balcony section!怎么翻译? An old stone bridge _____next week.a.is going to be rebuilt b.wiil be rebuildc.are going to be rebuilt d,will rebuildThe apple ________very sweet.a.is tasted b,taste c,tastes d,are tastingGreat changes ___________ in the past ten years in China.a.too 根据首字母填空They were s---- at the strange noise.I was a---- at the bad news.There are only three chair here .We need one ---A.more B.much C.another D.other Do you want tea or coffe?A.both B.none C.either D.neither Who ( _____) (win) first prize in the match last week?35 On the other hand,if you are often s_________ out and easy to get angry,you might have too m_________ yang in your life.You'd better eat more f_________like tofu.Chinese medicine is known to many f_________ people.some of them try to take Chinese med 高二解三角形问题现在一块直径为30cm的圆形钢板,需截去直径分别为20cm,10cm的圆形钢板各一块,现需在剩余的钢板中再截出同样大小的圆形钢板两块,问两块钢板半径最大多少?求过程.先对回答 高二解三角形的题!急!已知三角形ABC中,a=4,b+c=5, tanB+tanC+根号三=根号3tanBtanC则三角形ABC面积是多少?要过程!速度 谢谢! 有一根足够长的木杆,用它来制作一个三角形物体,要求三角形物体的三边为连续正整数,最大角为钝角,该如何去截木杆? TOP 10 JackieChan Stunts 英语解说词 帮我写一下《世说新语》“德行第一 ”的中心思想不好意思,是每一篇的中心思想!