
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:49:06
怎么才能说一口流利的外语 _____ the afternoon of May,we visited the old man.A.On B.At C.In 英语翻译关于英语的小故事.【越短越好!.】 带翻译 办公室主任的英文怎么翻译 英语翻译最好是要一个网址要最短的 ( ) 26.If you have ________ ambition,you need to work hard to realize it. A./ B.a C.an D.the they work hard是神马意思 work one's way up神马意思啊? further one's work by doing是神马意思. lisa saw some ( )on the cave wall. A,draw B,drawing C,drawings D,draw 初三上册英语题.I saw some s______ asking for old bikes on the wall of the school stadium You must good care ( ) young children. You must 他可 good care ( ) young children. 英文看不懂?请进来帮我看看,如果你有时间的话?YOU GET A 5 IF THAT IS THE BEST ONE CAN GET!SO PLEASED WITH YOUR QUALITY AND SO PLEASED WITH THE ENTIRE TRANSACTION.THANK YOU,THANK YOU,JOANNE HOLLINGSWORTH我想让她给我留好的( How many apples are these How many are these apples?改错How many are these apples 改错()------ ---- --- -----A B C D How much are these apples?改成同义词 问价钱用How many are these apples还是How much are these apples ( ) "_____ are these apples?" " 2 kilos" A.How yuan B.How C.How much 应该选择哪个?为什么? They're going to walk near a lake 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 He arrived in the city___a windy afternoon.A.in B.on C.at D.to 流光溢彩,呐喊助威,如醉如痴,浮想联翩,泪落如珠,囫囵吞枣,悲欢离合,牵肠挂肚,如饥似渴,的意思 类似于“泪落如珠”的词语 泪落沙漠是什么意思 泪之为物,只合为私己理由而落什么意思? 英语专家请进来O,I,C,U,这4个字母单词的读音完全相同,这4个单词是一个句子,请写出来:—————————————————————————————————————— 专家进来帮忙啊,英文好的都请进来哦.问题在这个地址里,是我昨天晚上提问的, 英语大师请进来帮我翻下列十句句子,用过去式1.你的长假怎么样?不过如此2.在长假期间,他做了一些有趣的事情3.前天,我们有趣的举行了野餐4.节日期间,商场很拥挤5.昨天,我一整天呆 英语翻译我这有14个单词,大多数是人名,音译和意译都要.1.CailleachBheara,2.Kelpie,3.Brownie,4.Banshee,5.RedCap,6.Imp,7.Pixie,8.Spriggans,9.BlackDog,10.Goblin,11.Hobgoblin,12.RobinGoodfellow,13.Nixie,14.Bogy. 完形填空___1__I went to that concert,I had always taken the "live-and-let-live"__2____that rock music was sinmply not my taste but that other peopel had every___3__to enjoy it if it was theirs.1A.since B.until C.after D.as2A.attitude B.decision C They are boating ________ the A.between B.in middle of C.in the middle of D.behind shops,week,many,in,day,the,closed,afternoon,on,one,a,are(造句)