
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 21:21:28
平方和怎么转换和平方 一根长3米德木料,每7分之3米锯一段,每锯一段用时2分钟,锯完这根木料一共用多少分钟? 3米的木料,每7分之3米锯一段,每锯一次用时2分钟,锯完这跟木料一共用多少分钟? :sometmes l push you away lust beacuse l need you to pull me closer. Push-ups are a kind of e____ that you can do to make your body s___.In order to do a push-up correctly,fisrt lie down on the floor,face-down.K___ you legs together.As you lie on the floor,put your hands on the floor next to your shoulders.Your hands 一根3米的木料,每3/7锯一段,每锯一次用时2分钟,锯完这根木料一共用了多少分钟 Did Mrs King leave a message?Yes.She wanted to know ___this SundayA.who you would go shopping b.if you would go shopping with herc that you will go shopping为什么不选c Mrs.king kept weighting herself to see how much ___she was getting.A.heavy B.heavier为什么要用比较级呢? 若9人14天可完成一件工作的3/5,而剩下的工作需4天完成,则需增加多少人? 有一袋糖果分给小朋友们,5颗5颗分,还多一颗,7颗7颗分,还少6颗.请问这袋糖果至少有多少颗? 一袋糖果,无论是分给六个小朋友,还是分给八个小朋友,都会剩下一颗,这袋糖果,至少有多少颗? 一袋糖果,无论是分给6个小朋友,还是分给8个小朋友,都会剩下1颗,这袋糖果至少有多少颗? The media disclose social problems which can monitor and push the government to deal with them大神们这句话对吗 IT IS DIFFICULT FOR THEM TO DEAL WITH THE PROBLEM.同义句 ____ in the media helps them to understandhow the world works.A.What young people saw and heardB.What young people see and hear itC.What does young people see and hear D.What young people see and hear 现有一架天平,需用它称量1~13整数克的物品.如果这架天平只配有四个法码,并且每次称量只允许用两个法码这四个法码是? a flight attendant has to be able to size them up and deal with them in a timely manner.其中size up 和in a timely manner在句子中怎么解释 改写句子 i hear it is difficult for them to deal with the problemsi hear that they have _ _the problem两个空 英语翻译小型超市管理;商品销售;java版小超市管理系统; Access数据 if miss you everyday 歌曲 中英文对照.Steewan 他们的. 提供下 Craig Smart 的I Miss You 中英文对照 歌词 在水平地面上,小明用300N的拉力拉动重为1000N的小车,5s内前进20m,过程中小明对车做的功为_J,功率为_W. They all went there和 They were all waiting outside the gate第二句中were可以去掉吗?为什么? miss to do miss doing 意思miss to do miss doing 意思好像.一个是错过 一个是还念 分别怎么对应? miss doing sth.除了有“错过做某事”的意思外, miss用法是miss to do 还是miss doing? miss eg:just narrowly missed being struck by a car.(顺便也翻译一下吧).miss doing sth. 0123456789在正规写法中哪些是轴对称图形?要超精确的!主要是3这个数字,有人说从中间的水平线为对称轴,有人说3的正规写法是上小下大的,到底哪个是对的呢?希望有一位专家来解答, 0123456789 的拼音怎么写 CAD2007如何画切线有一个圆,要画一条切线,切线与圆相切, 为什么我的CAD2007直线画不直画的直线总是裂开 AUTO CAD2007想让那条红线外扳,两个圆相交,然后两圆切线,那切线不知道怎样向外面?