
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 18:01:51
帮我看看这篇作文有没有语法错误Our beloved teacher,you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts.The love and care you have given me will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.I still remember the day during the mil 化学热方程式题目求助化学不是很好,希望会的人帮助下. 1.1molN2(g)于适量H2(g)起反应生成NH3(g),放出92.2KJ热量.2.1molN2(g)于适量O2(g)起反应生成NO2(g),吸收68KJ热量.3.汽油的重要成分是辛烷C8H18,1molC8H 谁能帮我看看这篇文章有没有语法错误啊?I came to the institute of finance and economics are very happy!University life is a sacred place,where have students from different regions,different habits and ways of thinking,but we all have 现用25g8%的稀硫酸进行电解食盐,过一段时间,测得稀硫酸中溶质的质量分数为10%,求生成氢气多少g? 请大家帮我看看这篇文章有没有语法错误!Little Diana was standing in front of her mirror with her eyes closed."Why are you standing there with your eyes closed?" asked the mother."So I can see what I look like when I'm asleep." she rep 已知50°C时,氯化铵的溶解度约为50克/100克水.现有75克氯化铵固体和110克水,求在50°C时,最多可以配成氯化铵饱和溶液多少克?2.把100克40°C的硝酸钾不饱和溶液分成等质量的两份,一份蒸发掉20克 方程x²+y²-2x+2y+k=0表示的曲线是圆.(1)求k的取值范围(2)若直线y=2x+1与圆相交于不同两点求K取值范围 证明 (12 20:16:49)若a,b,c均为实数,且a=x^2-2y+π/2,b=y^2-2z+π/3,c=z^2-2x+π/6,求证:a,b,c中至少有一个大于0.   K为何实数时,直线x-2y-2k=0和2x-3y-k=0的交点在方程x²+y²=25表示的曲线. (高二数学)关于在棱锥的性质定理的证明过程中的一个小问题如果棱锥被平行于底面的平面所截,因为截面和底面平行,所以截面和底面对应的各边都平行,因而截面和底面相对应的各个角相 写方程式在Fe粉与过量H2SO4反应后的溶液里,加H2O2溶液,溶液由浅绿色变成黄色,再加入H2O2,有气泡产生,加入BaCl2,有白色沉淀问.1.溶液由浅绿色变为黄色的方程式2.冒气泡的方程式 第一问请列方程回答 第二问随意 帮我看看这篇短文的语法错误“The House on Mango Street” is a narrative by Sandra Cisneros; tells Esperanza who is under a shameful economical situation.Some crucial symbolic structure that characterize in the story is the powerful hous 帮我看看这几篇文章有什么语法错误 I am a senior from the Department of Business Administration.I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff me 大家帮我看看这篇作文有什么语法错误,急用!Growing jobsWhat sort of jobs will people be doing ten years from now?With the development of the society,many new jobs have appeared recently and show the trend of risking.There are some new 补充图片中内容 曲线C的方程:x²+y²-2x=0 x^2-y^2-2x+y-3=0关于直线x=0的轴对称图形的方程是 求曲线y=2x²+3在x=1所对应的点处的切线方程 共面向量定理如果两个向量a.b不共线,则向量P与向量a.b共面的充要条件是存在有序实数对(x.y),使 p=xa+yb,为什么要规定两个向量不共线? 共线,共面向量定理的应用设A,B,C及A1,B1,C1分别是异面直线L1,L2上的三点,而M,N,P,Q分别是线段AA1,BA1,BB1,CC1的中点,求证:M,N,P,Q四点共面 大一数学:无理数指数幂通过确界原理定义后,得到的到底是一个有理数指数幂还是无理数指数幂? 各位英文达人,帮忙看看作业的语法错误和用法不当,非常谢谢Sports convey different messages to public; never give up is one of important and positive message which sports try to send to fans all the time. One player will be aband 会英语的 帮忙看看有没有语法错误I love EnglishWhen I was 8 years old,I started to learn English.I played games and sang English songs with other children,and sometimes I would watch English cartoons.It was very interesting.Then I discov 帮忙看看有无英语语法错误.Before I study Japanese,I always think Japanese is easy to study,because I have already know some words’ meaning from Chinese.But to my surprise,during study time,I have found some interesting Japanese words hav 3道化学题(化学方程式计算)1.电解54g水,能得到多少克氧气?(根据化学式进行计算)能否利用化学式进行计算呢?为什么?2.加热31.6g KMnO4 可得到多少克氧气?能否根据化学式进行计算(KMnO4中 急需化学计算题和方程式的题目越多愈好 请问这三题化学溶解度、质量分数和方程式计算综合题如何计算?1.)实验室中进行酸碱中和实验.先以酚酞试液滴入一定量的20%NaOH溶液中,这时酚酞试液会变成甚麼颜色?其后再加入1000克7.3%之HCl 如果今天是星期日,那么2^2005天以后的那一天是星期几? 证明:1.(x-1/x)^2n的展开式中常数项是*/n!2.(1+x)^2n的展开项的中间一项是/n!3.-1能被n^2整除 高二数学二项式定理的一些题提问,1.(1-x^)20次方的展开式中,若第4r项和第r+2项的二项式系数相等,则r=?2.设m,n为正整数,f(x)=(1-2x)m+(1-5x)n(此处m n 皆表示次方)中含x 的一次项系数为-16,则含x^项的系 若2x-3y-z=0,x+3y-14z=0(z≠0),求(x²+3xy)/(y²+z²)